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Emerging Infectious Disease Healthcare System Annex Concept of Operations (CONOPS)
Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.
Date Published:
This plan describes the goals, objectives, strategies, and responsibilities necessary to provide a coordinated, system-based healthcare response to a range of Emerging Infectious Di...
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This plan describes the goals, objectives, strategies, and responsibilities necessary to provide a coordinated, system-based healthcare response to a range of Emerging Infectious Disease events within Los Angeles County.
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URL: https://file.lacounty.gov/SDSInter/dhs/1057811_EIDHealthSystemAnnexConOps-July2018Final.pdf
emerging, infectious
disease, conops
ID: 7407
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NIAID Emerging Infectious Diseases/Pathogens
Emerging Infectious Disease Terminology Requirements in Hazard Vulnerability Assessments
Date Published:
This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides a response from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) related to requirements on terminology specific to emerging infectious dis...
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides a response from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) related to requirements on terminology specific to emerging infectious diseases (EID) in healthcare facility hazard vulnerability assessments.
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URL: https://files.asprtracie.hhs.gov/documents/aspr-tracie-ta---cms---eid-terminology-in-hva.pdf
ID: 8862
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Emerging Infectious Diseases Videos for Prehospital Providers
Department of Emergency Health Services.
Date Published:
This instructional series, comprised of nine modules (listed at the top of the page), includes an introduction to infectious diseases, basic infection control concepts, consideratio...
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This instructional series, comprised of nine modules (listed at the top of the page), includes an introduction to infectious diseases, basic infection control concepts, considerations for personal protective equipment (including donning and doffing), personnel decontamination, patient transport, and transfer of patient care for patients with Ebola and other highly infectious diseases.
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URL: https://eid4emt.umbc.edu/
ID: 7042
Topic Collection:
Bioterrorism and High Consequence Biological Threats
Influenza Epidemic/ Pandemic
Coronaviruses (e.g., SARS, MERS and COVID-19)
Pre-Hospital (e.g., EMS)
Patient Movement, MOCCs, and Tracking
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Taiwan's Experience in Hospital Preparedness and Response for Emerging Infectious Diseases
Kao, H., Ko, H., Guo, P., et al.
Date Published:
The authors describe Taiwan’s Communicable Disease Control Medical Network, which was established after the 2003 SARS outbreak, and discuss its performance during the 2009 H1N1 infl...
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The authors describe Taiwan’s Communicable Disease Control Medical Network, which was established after the 2003 SARS outbreak, and discuss its performance during the 2009 H1N1 influenza pandemic and the West African Ebola outbreak. They discuss similarities with the tiered response system established in the U.S. for Ebola, identify strengths as the establishment of a command system with well-prepared hospitals and trained personnel, and note the challenges of maintaining funding, clarifying the role of local public health authorities, and incentivizing the participation of frontline clinical staff.
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URL: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5404255/
ID: 4984
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Influenza & Emerging Infectious Diseases (EID) Medical Countermeasures
Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority.
Date Published:
This website contains information on the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) strategic plan and its alignment with the National Biodefense Strategy, focus...
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This website contains information on the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) strategic plan and its alignment with the National Biodefense Strategy, focusing on influenza and emerging infectious diseases. The site includes information on BARDA’s therapeutics, vaccine, adjuvants, and diagnostics programs.
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URL: https://medicalcountermeasures.gov/barda/influenza-and-emerging-infectious-diseases/
ID: 12260
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Biothreat Agents and Emerging Infectious Disease in the Emergency Department
Emerging Infectious Disease Surveillance Tool (2019-Novel Coronavirus) *
International Academies of Emergency Dispatch.
Date Published:
This three-page protocol is a screening tool for possible cases of COVID-19. Questions cover symptoms, travel history, and patient contact history. It does not require a specific or...
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This three-page protocol is a screening tool for possible cases of COVID-19. Questions cover symptoms, travel history, and patient contact history. It does not require a specific order or number of questions to ask. Geographically, areas of recent travel concern can change daily. The specifics of when to use this tool and the extent of questioning within this tool must remain user-defined. Scroll down to the “Download the EIDS Tool to Screen for Coronavirus” section to select the current version of the tool.
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URL: https://www.globalmedicalresponse.com/docs/resources/covid-19/general-info/emerging-infectious-disease-surveillance-tool
COVID-19, EMS, emergency medical services, pre-hospital, dispatch, screening protocol, PSAP, public safety answering point
ID: 7741
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Lessons from the Ebola Outbreak: Action Items for Emerging Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response
Jacobsen, K., Aguirre, A., Bailey, C., et al.
Date Published:
The authors identify lessons learned from the Ebola outbreak and list research and policy priorities to prepare for future emerging infectious disease outbreaks. They focus on envir...
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The authors identify lessons learned from the Ebola outbreak and list research and policy priorities to prepare for future emerging infectious disease outbreaks. They focus on environmental conditions related to early warning systems, host characteristics related to public health, and agent issues to be addressed through laboratory science.
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(Abstract only.)
URL: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs10393-016-1100-5
ID: 3546
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Communicable Disease Exposure Control (DEC) Plan
North Georgia Health District.
Date Published:
This plan describes the management and coordination of North Georgia Health District resources and staff during a communicable disease epidemic, with special focus on Ebola Virus ...
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This plan describes the management and coordination of North Georgia Health District resources and staff during a communicable disease epidemic, with special focus on Ebola Virus Disease.
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URL: https://files.asprtracie.hhs.gov/documents/nghd-disease-exposure-control-plan-final-copy-9.30.2016.pdf
communicable, infectious, contagious, highly, ebola, vhf
ID: 7418
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What Recent History Has Taught Us About Responding to Emerging Infectious Disease Threats
Be Smart, Take Part – Emerging Infectious Disease Preparedness and Response for Frontline Healthcare Facilities
West Virginia Hospital Association.
Date Published:
This training program includes a video for people or groups who may come in contact with an individual with a possible infectious disease. It also includes a free, downloadable, Hom...
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This training program includes a video for people or groups who may come in contact with an individual with a possible infectious disease. It also includes a free, downloadable, Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program-compliant, no-notice drill template for frontline healthcare facilities. Upon registration, West Virginia providers may also access eight brief online courses to reinforce and test the concepts introduced in the training guide video.
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URL: https://wvha.org/hef/hospital-emergency-management/trainings/be-smart-take-part-emerging-infectious-disease-preparedness-response-for-frontline-healthcare/
ID: 4179
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Caring for Patients’ Mental Well-Being During Coronavirus and other Emerging Infectious Diseases: A Guide for Clinicians
Taking Care of your Family During Coronavirus and other Emerging Infectious Disease Outbreak
Coronavirus and Emerging Infectious Disease Outbreaks: How Healthcare Personnel Can Support Military Families and their Health
Infection Control and Prevention EPIMN Module 4
Date Published:
This module focuses on infection control and prevention for emergency situations. It defines communicable diseases and offers examples, identifies risk factors for contracting a com...
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This module focuses on infection control and prevention for emergency situations. It defines communicable diseases and offers examples, identifies risk factors for contracting a communicable disease, and lists protocols to prevent exposure risk. The module addresses safety measures to protect staff, including the use of standard precautions and personal protective equipment. It lists symptoms often associated with communicable diseases, possible modes of transmission, and reportable disease procedures. Additionally, it provides specific details on dealing with Ebola virus disease and other special pathogens, including a description of the tiered, national system created for the management of confirmed patients
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URL: https://files.asprtracie.hhs.gov/documents/epimn-module-4-infection-control-and-prevention.pdf
EPIMN, infection control, infection prevention, training, education,
communicable disease, tiered response system, special pathogens
ID: 7214
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Infectious Diseases
Date Published:
This page highlights resources ASPR TRACIE developed to address current and emerging infectious disease threats. While many ASPR TRACIE resources are relevant to planning for and re...
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This page highlights resources ASPR TRACIE developed to address current and emerging infectious disease threats. While many ASPR TRACIE resources are relevant to planning for and responding to infectious disease emergencies, this page features those created specifically for that purpose. We would like to thank our Subject Matter Expert Cadre members who assist with the development and review of all of our resources.
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URL: https://asprtracie.hhs.gov/infectious-disease
disease, ebola, pandemic, influenza, SARS
ID: 5102
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Rapid Expert Consultation on Critical Issues in Diagnostic Testing for the COVID-19 Pandemic (November 9, 2020).
Preparing Airports for Communicable Diseases on Arriving Flights
National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.
Date Published:
The authors review current disease preparedness and response practices at airports in the U.S. and Canada with a focus on coordination with public health officers and partners. The ...
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The authors review current disease preparedness and response practices at airports in the U.S. and Canada with a focus on coordination with public health officers and partners. The emphasize that while larger (international) airports are more likely to face these challenges, the lessons in this document are applicable to the aviation sector as a whole, including smaller airports (which may be the final destination of some travelers with communicable diseases).
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URL: https://www.nap.edu/catalog/24880/preparing-airports-for-communicable-diseases-on-arriving-flights
ID: 4752
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Control of Communicable Diseases Manual, 20th Edition
Heymann, D.L.
Date Published:
This book (available for purchase as hard copy or electronic download) provides information on more than 130 infectious diseases. It contains information about the occurrence, trans...
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This book (available for purchase as hard copy or electronic download) provides information on more than 130 infectious diseases. It contains information about the occurrence, transmission, and methods of control for each disease. It also includes information on availability and location of available medical treatment stockpiles.
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(Book available for purchase)
ID: 6057
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