COVID-19 Scope of Practice Expansions
Topic Collection
November 11, 2020
Topic Collection: COVID-19 Scope of Practice Expansions
Hospitals and health systems throughout the U.S. are faced with increases in patient volumes, leading to significant challenges in delivering vital services. Allowing clinicians to practice to the full scope of their licenses is critical to address staffing needs during the public health emergency. The resources in this collection provide information for specific cadres of healthcare professionals' Scope of Practice Expansions during the COVID-19 response, recommendations, and past expansions. Additional resources detail novel and innovative ways that healthcare professionals are being utilized to address the full breadth of services necessary to meet the needs of patients during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Please refer to CDC’s Coronavirus Disease 2019 webpage for the most up-to-date clinical guidance on COVID19 outbreak management.
If you are a decision-maker and have COVID-19 promising practices, plans, tools, or templates to share with your peers, please visit the ASPR TRACIE Information Exchange COVID-19 Information Sharing Page (registration required) and place your resources under the relevant topic area. Resources specific to decision-making on healthcare workforce can be placed under the COVID-19 Workforce Virtual Toolkit Topic.
NOTE: inclusion of any reference in this document does not constitute an endorsement, acknowledgment, or suggestion that the reference is the only or best example for that topic. References are included as examples which were provided as suggestions at the time the document was developed.
All guidance posted is accessible to the public, and non-federal resources are noted with an asterisk (*). Linking to a non-federal website does not constitute an endorsement by the U.S. government, or any of its employees, of the information and/or products presented on that site.
General Resources
This summary page provides a listing of all CMS waivers and flexibilities related to the current COVID-19 public health emergency, as well as topic-specific fact sheets and summary documents.
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The authors address the importance of cross-training doctors who will be redeployed into other roles that they may be unfamiliar with. The authors noted that staff confidence levels in managing medical inpatients improved dramatically post-training.
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Addictions Counselors
This webpage explores opportunities for the utilization of telehealth delivery methods to increase access to Medicaid services and includes a link to a report using telehealth for substance use disorder - *. .
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Behavioral Healthcare Providers
APA presents an information hub specifically for psychology practice resources in response to COVID-19. This webpage includes the latest advocacy updates, reimbursement and licensing/regulatory guidance, and other information to help navigate this public health emergency.
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Emergency legislation and guidelines are temporarily expanding psychologists’ ability to provide telehealth services to Medicare patients so they can receive treatment at home during the COVID-19 pandemic. This short article is dated 3/18/2020.
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This webpage provides updates regarding how changes at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) affect teletherapy and resources for psychologists.
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The National Association of Social Workers (NASW) provides a range of resources that can be used to support clients, individuals in special populations, and self-care for behavioral health providers on this coronavirus-specific webpage.
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This webpage provides updates regarding how changes at the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) affect teletherapy and resources for social workers.
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Cardiovascular Clinicians
This webpage has compiled resources and support information on clinical guidance and practice geared towards cardiovascular clinicians treating COVID-19 patients.
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This peer-reviewed article provides information regarding the utilization of community health workers in the distribution of health information and social mobilization during outbreaks.
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This letter, written to Colorado Governor Polis on March 30th, 2020, details the multiple ways that dentists can be utilized during the pandemic. The CDA suggests that in a hospital setting dentists can assist medical staff with COVID-19 testing, advanced airway management, and anesthesia services among other services that can be found in the letter.
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The Minnesota Health Care Programs Immunization and Vaccination Program allows dentists to administer influenza vaccines to those age 19 and older.
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House Bill 2200 signed into law the addition of vaccine prescription and administration for children and adults into a dentist’s scope of practice (in Oregon).
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This letter explains that during a past public health emergency, and upon completion and certification of specified training and education, dental officers in the Commissioned Corps of the U.S. Public Health Service were authorized to administer vaccines as part of emergency response activities.
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Diagnostic Medical Sonographers
SDMS has compiled a list of trusted resources with information on COVID-19 for sonographers to use. Sonographers should familiarize themselves with and carefully follow their facility's infection control policies and procedures to help protect their patients, family, and community.
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Emergency Medical Technicians
This webpage describes the EMS Compact, which was enacted by legislation in 20 states, and protects the public and enhances the emergency medical services system in the United States. The EMS Compact facilitates the day-to-day movement of EMS personnel across state boundaries in the performance of their EMS duties as assigned by an appropriate authority. The EMS Compact also authorizes state EMS offices to afford immediate legal recognition to EMS personnel licensed in any other member state.
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Home Health Aides
This webpage last updated 3/23/2020 addresses how healthcare employers are confronting difficult questions regarding how to handle employment issues.
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Medical and Clinical Lab Technologists
This webpage includes COVID-19 guidance and updates created specifically for laboratories.
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This resource provides an overview of the “Immediately in Effect Guidance for Clinical Laboratories, Commercial Manufacturers, and Food and Drug Administration Staff,” allowing for the acceleration of COVID-19 diagnostic tests developed by commercial manufacturers and laboratories.
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The Clinical Practice Resources and COVID-19 State Government Resources webpages linked to on this site are updated regularly with information for anesthesia professionals and include COVID-19 FAQs in a clinical setting, and an infographic titled “Anesthesia Care of the Patient with Coronavirus.” Additional resources include CRNA-specific Executive Orders for each state. For example, in Kentucky, the requirement for APRNs to have collaborative agreements with physicians as a prerequisite for the prescribing of legend drugs and controlled substances within the Commonwealth has been waived. Other states have waived the requirement to review patient charts and records. More examples of waived requirements can be found on AANA’s website.
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This press release dated 3/21/2020 briefly describes certified registered nurse anesthetists' various areas of expertise such as airway management, ventilatory support, emergency preparedness, and resource management.
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In this position paper AANP describes why nurse practitioners should have unlimited prescriptive authority. Actual practice agreement requirements are given on a state-by-state basis by AANP here:
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In this news brief ACNM urges members of the Coronavirus Task Force to implement emergency measures to temporarily lift the restrictive state licensure requirements that limit access to full-scope midwifery-led care in the 24 states where midwives are prevented from practicing to the top of their scope.
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This webpage includes resources to help ACNM members and consumers stay informed on the rapidly evolving COVID-19 response efforts. This page will be updated continuously. Resources in each section are sorted by date published; those without dates listed are either updated continuously or did not include a publication date.
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Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians
This brief, dated March 2020, includes recommendations for state policymakers to ensure that pharmacists are able to effectively support the COVID-19 response. ASHP recommends allowing them to: administer immunizations for prevention of infectious diseases, order point-of-care testing, and initiate time-sensitive therapies.
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This webpage contains state actions affecting pharmacy services, including provisions for allowing out- of-state pharmacists to practice as of 6/9/2020.
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The Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health issued guidance under the Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness Act authorizing licensed pharmacists to order and administer COVID-19 tests authorized by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.
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Physician Assistants
This webpage contains state emergency actions related to physician assistant licensing and practice.
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In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Wisconsin is now allowing physician assistants (PA) to limit their practice to the scope of their own experience, education, training, and capabilities as opposed to the scope of practice of the physician who is supervising them. Additionally, the state has waived the requirement to identify a supervising physician, the existing ratio of physicians or podiatrist to PA, and is now allowing them to delegate tasks to other healthcare providers.
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Radiology Professionals
The information on this webpage can help radiology professionals make more informed decisions during the COVID-19 pandemic. It includes radiology-specific materials for COVID-19 and will be regularly updated as reliable information becomes available.
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This webpage dated 3/30/2020 includes links to resources for “older surgeons and out-of-specialty surgeons” deployed to care for COVID-19 patients. Another webpage called “COVID-19 and Surgery” includes content developed or curated under the auspices of ACS Regents and Officers to bring surgeons trusted information, including best practices and guidance that specifically targets the concerns and challenges surgeons face. As the COVID-19 landscape is rapidly changing, this website is updated several times weekly and houses current and past editions of electronic newsletters. Access COVID-19 and Surgery at*
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