Topic Collection Cover Page

Select ASPR TRACIE TA Responses
Topic Collection
February 19, 2025

Select ASPR TRACIE TA Responses

The ASPR TRACIE Assistance Center provides personalized support and responses to requests for information and technical assistance (TA). We answer a broad range of questions from all stakeholders – at the federal, state, regional, local, tribal, territory, non-profit, and for-profit levels. The type of requests that we receive are categorized as simple, standard, complex, or urgent depending on the scope of work, resources needed to complete the request, and time frame by which the request can be answered. Simple requests are typically requests for IT support or help with website navigation or functions. Examples of our standard, complex, and urgent requests and the ASPR TRACIE response are included below. TA responses marked with an asterisk (*) appear in more than one category.

Please note: the information in these responses are current as of their date of publication. Please contact ASPR TRACIE if you notice a broken link or would like access to a resource marked as "see attachment." 

Access all ASPR TRACIE-developed resources for more information and helpful resources.

Alternate Care Sites

This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes resources on best practices, lessons learned, recovery guidance, and repopulation assessments as it relates to temporary hospital facilities after a disaster.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA Response includes several plans for key recommendations for ACS staffing (and typical skilled nursing facility staffing for comparison).
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  • Audrey Mazurek Thank you Ms. Mitchell for your comment. ASPR TRACIE recently responded to a technical assistance request related to ACS sources of additional staff and we included your comment below in that response:
    4/2/2020 5:11:07 PM
  • Megan Mitchell I don't understand how large groups of available practitioners are being left out of these plans. The physical therapist is qualified to mobilize patient, deep suction, teach and train in breathing strategies, strength train and most importantly get patient functional enough to return home. We are not going to have enough of any one discipline to cover both hospital systems let alone additional off-site locations. We need to include everyone who has useful skills.
    3/31/2020 9:03:03 AM
This ASPR TRACIE TA response document includes comments from ASPR TRACIE Subject Matter Expert Cadre members and resources related to potential sources for additional staffing for an ACS.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes sample MOU templates for an ACS and additional relevant resources.
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Ambulatory Care and Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC)

This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes emergency preparedness resources specific to Ambulatory Surgical Facilities (also referred to as Ambulatory Surgical Centers).
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ASPR TRACIE. (2018). FQHC Communication Planning.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes links to sample emergency operations plans with communication components for a Federally Qualified Health Center.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response document includes comments from ASPR TRACIE Subject Matter Expert Cadre members and resources related to coordination between individual community health centers locally, statewide, and regionally during disasters.
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Assessment and Planning Tools

ASPR TRACIE. (2019). Generator Fuel Calculators.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes information on and links to calculators and calculation charts specific to generator fuel consumption based on usage levels.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources that can inform a healthcare coalition's pediatric gap analysis.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources that may assist hospitals plan for and assess infrastructure damage/ structural integrity after a disaster.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides articles and a comparison calculation chart related to the (six) primary tools/ scales/ methods used by emergency departments to quantitatively determine overcrowding.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources specific to hazard assessments for surgical fires and comments from ASPR TRACIE Subject Matter Expert Cadre members.
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* ASPR TRACIE. (2023). Food Sustainability Resources.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes comments from ASPR TRACIE Subject Matter Expert Cadre members and resources related to food sustainability in hospitals/ healthcare facilities. NOTE: It also addresses California-specific requirements.
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ASPR TRACIE. (2024). ASPR TRACIE Evaluation of Hazard Vulnerability Assessment Tools. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response.
This comparison chart shows the similarities and differences among the primary hazard vulnerability assessment (HVA) tools used by public health and health care organizations, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Threat and Hazard Identification Risk Assessment (THIRA). Each description includes a summary of its primary use/purpose, as well as information on who developed the tool and how, the format of the tool, the calculations approach, and the benefits and limitations of the tool.
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Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Emergency Preparedness (EP) Rule

This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides definitions and clarification on the difference between a HVA, BIA, and a COOP Plan.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes links to resources related to decontamination PPE requirements and comments from ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre members. Related ASPR TRACIE Resources: Hospital Victim Decontamination Topic Collection, Infectious Disease Resource Page, and the EMS Infectious Disease Playbook.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes links to EOPs specific to dialysis centers and facilities that serve people with mental illnesses. Related Topic Collections: Dialysis Center, Mental/Behavioral Health, and Emergency Operations Plans/ Emergency Management Program.
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ASPR TRACIE. (2017). Sewage and Waste Management.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides links to resources specific to sewage and waste disposal during emergencies, including general guidance/ resources, and threat-specific guidance (e.g., Ebola).
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ASPR TRACIE. (2018). 1135 Waiver Information.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides a response from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) related to 1135 waivers and what the 17 required provider types need to know in order to meet the CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule requirements.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes information provided by the CMS Quality, Safety & Oversight Group regarding exercise requirements for a large Federally Qualified Health Center. Related ASPR TRACIE Resources: Explosives and Mass Shooting Topic Collection, Exercise Program Topic Collection, and the Select Disaster Behavioral Health Resources page.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides clarification on the annual training requirement for long term care facilities.
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ASPR TRACIE. (2019). Generator Requirements.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides answers from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) Quality, Safety & Oversight Group to questions related to generator requirements and the CMS Emergency Preparedness Rule.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes links to resources related to hospital reimbursement following an evacuation (due to a hurricane) and comments from ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre members.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides links to MOUs on various emergency preparedness topics.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides feedback from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services related to requirements when evacuating patients to another healthcare facility.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides information on CMS waivers and declarations for COVID-19.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides a response from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) related to requirements on terminology specific to emerging infectious diseases (EID) in healthcare facility hazard vulnerability assessments.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides feedback from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) related to 1135 waivers and whether a Federal public health emergency declaration still applies after a State ends their declaration.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes HCC outreach/ recruitment materials provided by ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre members.
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Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and Explosives (CBRNE)

ASPR TRACIE. (2018). Chemical Hazard Spills.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes resources specific to evacuation and shelter-in-place procedures for long-term care facilities and general chemical hazards spills. Related Topic Collections: the Long-Term Care Facilities and Chemical Hazards.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes information on sample emergency operations plans and checklists of considerations to assist the development of a nuclear incident emergency operations plan for a hospital located within a 10-mile emergency planning zone (EPZ) of a nuclear power plant.
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* ASPR TRACIE. (2020). Injury Types Due to Explosions.
This ASPR TRACIE TA request summarizes and provides links to resources that healthcare facility planners can use to develop a trauma mass casualty incident virtual tabletop exercise using the industry site explosion that occurred in Beirut, Lebanon on August 4, 2020 as the scenario.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources related to first receiver operational plans during a CBRN disaster.
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Communications and Information Sharing

ASPR TRACIE. (2016). Mass Notification Systems.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides a list of policies, plans, and procedures; as well as comments from ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre members regarding mass notification systems. Related Topic Collection: Communication Systems.
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ASPR TRACIE. (2018). Allocation of Radios.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes a link to the Communication Systems Topic Collection and subject matter expert input regarding templates and policy resources specific to the allocation of radios.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes comments and examples from subject matter experts on Essential Elements of Information (EEI) that healthcare coalitions can use in exercises or real world events.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes JIC models, plans, guidance documents, and other relevant materials.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes resources on how federally deployed staff can best communicate with local leaders in the aftermath of a critical incident.
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Continuity of Operations (COOP)

This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides links to resources on supplemental bulk water supply methods for hospitals in the event that their primary water supply was disrupted. Related Topic Collection: Utility Failures.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes links to COOP plans that provide information on orders of succession and delegations of authority. Related Topic Collection: Continuity of Operations (COOP)/ Failure Plan.
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* ASPR TRACIE. (2018). Hospital Water Storage Tanks.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources and comments from ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre members related to water storage tanks at healthcare facilities/ hospitals.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes laboratory COOP plans and templates, general laboratory preparedness and recovery resources, and articles addressing lessons learned from clinical laboratories following a disaster. Related Topic Collections: Continuity of Operations (COOP)/ Failure Plan, and Utility Failures.
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* ASPR TRACIE. (2019). Paper-Based Hospital Records.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources and comments from ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre members related to managing hospital records on paper when electronic health records cannot be used. Related Topic Collection: Utility Failures.
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* ASPR TRACIE. (2023). Food Sustainability Resources.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes comments from ASPR TRACIE Subject Matter Expert Cadre members and resources related to food sustainability in hospitals/ healthcare facilities. NOTE: It also addresses California-specific requirements.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides COOP resources and templates specific to state and local health departments. Related Topic Collections: Continuity of Operations (COOP)/ Failure Plan, and Recovery.
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Crisis Standards of Care

This ASPR TRACIE Technical Assistance response covers Crisis Standards of Care (CSC) for infectious diseases.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides information on Crisis Standards of Care (CSC) terminology and legal guidance materials as it relates to CSC. It also includes comments from ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre members.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides comments from ASPR TRACIE Subject Matter Expert Cadre members and resources related to pediatric crisis standards of care.
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ASPR TRACIE. (2021). Scarce Oxygen Triggers.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources related to scarce oxygen for hospitals. It also includes comments from ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre members.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources related to crisis standards of care that are specific to hospice and palliative care.
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Cultural/ Linguistic Competency and At-Risk Populations

This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes fact sheets and checklists, guidance documents, lessons learned, and other educational resources related to cultural and linguistic competencies. Related Topic Collection: Access and Functional Needs.
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ASPR TRACIE. (2021). Racial Equity in Disasters.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources related to racial equity and disasters.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes comments from ASPR TRACIE Subject Matter Expert Cadre members and select resources related to HEDI JASs for the hospital ICS. It also includes a draft HEDI JAS developed by our SMEs.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre member comments and checklists that healthcare facilities can use if they are faced with a cybersecurity attack.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes information on high-profile healthcare cyberattacks over the past five years in the U.S., to include resources and details on the associated impacts and lessons learned for clinical care delivery.
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* ASPR TRACIE. (2018). Ambulance Decontamination.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides best practices and guidance documents for decontamination of an ambulance after transporting a patient known to be infected with the Ebola virus. Related Topic Collections: VHF/Ebola, Pre-Hospital and Pre-Hospital Victim Decontamination.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes comments from ASPR TRACIE Subject Matter Expert Cadre members and information on hospital decontamination incidents, such as data on hospitals that have conducted patient decontamination operations and hazards that prompted the need for decontamination. Related Topic Collection: Hospital Victim Decontamination.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes resources related to the roles and responsibilities that hospitals and fire departments have in managing hazardous materials decontamination incidents.
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ASPR TRACIE. (2023). Dry Decontamination Methods.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides best practices on the use of dry decontamination methods in general and for pediatric patients, as applicable.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes comments from ASPR TRACIE Subject Matter Expert Cadre members and information on hospital decontamination shower requirements.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes comments from ASPR TRACIE Subject Matter Expert Cadre members and considerations for patient decontamination wash time duration.
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Numerous ASPR staff and ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre members helped compile this ASPR TRACIE TA Response that includes resources that demonstrate or highlight the application of Hurricane Sandy lessons learned in kidney dialysis delivery. Related Topic Collection: Dialysis Centers.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources and references related to post-disaster dialysis operations. Also includes the response listed in the Dialysis – Hurricane Sandy Lessons Learned TA response. Related Topic Collection: Dialysis Centers.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes information from an ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre member on the needs of dialysis patients post-disaster and the requirements for temporary dialysis facilities. It also includes links to relevant ASPR TRACIE Topic Collections for more resources.
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  • Bridget Kanawati This Technical Assistance response document has been updated to include links to relevant ASPR TRACIE Topic Collections. Comments and information from our Subject Matter Expert in 2017 are outdated, but are being preserved in this document for historical purposes.
    9/5/2024 11:31:11 AM
  • Grant Madden Link no longer active
    8/29/2024 4:31:36 PM

Emergency Medical Services (EMS)/ Pre-Hospital

ASPR TRACIE. (2016). Disaster EMS Protocols.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes materials and information from ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre members on expanded scope protocols for medics serving in a de facto definitive care role, doing duties beyond the typical scope of practice due to the emergency situation. Related Topic Collection: Emergency Operations Plans/ Emergency Management Program.
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In collaboration with SMEs in emergency department and trauma clinical care and EMS, the ASPR TRACIE Team provided a list of most commonly used medications on state EMS formularies, the most commonly used drug categories, and pharmacy stockpiling for mass trauma events in this TA response.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources related to paramedicine and telemedicine. Related Topic Collections: Pre-Hospital and Virtual Medical Care.
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* ASPR TRACIE. (2018). Ambulance Decontamination.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides best practices and guidance documents for decontamination of an ambulance after transporting a patient known to be infected with the Ebola virus. Related Topic Collections: VHF/Ebola, Pre-Hospital and Pre-Hospital Victim Decontamination.
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Emergency Operations/ Management Planning

ASPR TRACIE. (2017). Work Plan Resources.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides sample work plans and strategic plans, as well as a training course for project planning.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA includes information on GIS and how these tools are used for emergency planning.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre member comments and materials related to naming conventions for unidentified patients during disasters/ emergencies.
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ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre member comments and materials related to entities/ jurisdictions that have used/ use SME representatives in their city/ state/ regional EOC are included in this ASPR TRACIE TA response. Related Topic Collections: Emergency Operations Plans/ Emergency Management Program, and Incident Management.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides scholarly articles and other resources on: 1) the benefits of coordinated emergency planning and response efforts in a region, and 2) the impact that individuals with access and functional needs have on the utilization of hospital emergency department pre-, during- and post-disaster.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes links to resources on how and/or when to activate a hospital emergency operations plan for a large health system with varying facility-based plans.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes a job summary, a consolidated list of roles and responsibilities, and a list of typically required qualifications for a hospital emergency preparedness coordinator that ASPR TRACIE summarized through resources gathered online and from feedback provided by our Subject Matter Experts.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes resources on plain language emergency alerts for hospitals. Related Topic Collection: Information Sharing.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides information on general considerations related to provider licensure portability, regulatory information specific to HHS Region 3, and additional related resources.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes comments from ASPR TRACIE Subject Matter Expert Cadre members and resources related to emergency department waiting room processes and workflows that may improve door-to triage times during increased capacity/ surge.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes resources specific to hospital sleeping and lodging plans for staff who are required to shelter in the facility during severe weather and other incidents.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides a glossary of emergency management terms and links to emergency management 101 presentations/ webinars.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes comments from ASPR TRACIE Subject Matter Expert Cadre members and select resources related to HEDI JASs for the hospital ICS. It also includes a draft HEDI JAS developed by our SMEs.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes links to local and state-level health department Emergency Operations Plans and other related materials.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response Provides comments from ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre members, and materials to include various media resources and podcasts; scholarly articles; and plans, tools, and templates. Related Topic Collections: Healthcare Facility Evacuation/Sheltering and Mental/Behavioral Health.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes links to resources related to hospital reimbursement following an evacuation (due to a hurricane) and comments from ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre members.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides links to best practices related to regional-level healthcare facility evacuations.
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Exercises and Training

This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes comments and examples from subject matter experts on Essential Elements of Information (EEI) that healthcare coalitions can use in exercises or real world events.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides materials specific to closed PODs, and resources related to open PODs and bioterrorism incidents specific to healthcare facilities. It also includes comments from ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre members. Related Topic Collections: Exercise Program, Hospital Surge Capacity and Immediate Bed Availability, and Mass Distribution and Dispensing of Medical Countermeasures.
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* ASPR TRACIE. (2020). Pediatric Exercise Resources.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes templates, toolkits, and other resources that healthcare agencies could use (and fill out) to develop and implement a pediatric tabletop exercise. Related Topic Collections: Pediatric, Exercise Program, and Incident Management.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides after action reports and lessons learned from exercises and real-life events from the hospital/health system perspective
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides exercise resources specific to nursing homes/ long-term care facilities with a focus on an evacuation scenario.
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Healthcare Coalitions (HCC)

This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides comments from our ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre members related to how their coalitions handle supply caches, in addition to coalition plans and guidance documents to include the types of materials to be stockpiled.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes resources on regional/ HCC training and exercise calendar tools/ templates, and feedback from our ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre members. Note: Contact ASPR TRACIE for access to resources that are not publically available.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes materials on HCC assessment tools, as well as resources related to PPE, chemical/ radiological decontamination, and fatality management. Related Topic Collections: Coalition Models and Functions, Responder Safety and Health, Radiological and Nuclear, Hospital Victim Decontamination, and Fatality Management.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes comments from ASPR TRACIE Subject Matter Expert Cadre members and resources related to coalition funding allocation.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources and comments from ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre members on how to engage executive leadership into ongoing healthcare coalition activities.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes resources that address HCC joint purchasing, and just-in-time delivery methods within HCCs or across healthcare entities.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes links to resources that identify the roles and responsibilities of a hospital that serves as a member of a regional healthcare coalition.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides links to best practices related to regional-level healthcare facility evacuations.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources that can inform a healthcare coalition's pediatric gap analysis.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides information from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Office for Civil Rights related to healthcare coalitions designated as business associates under HIPAA.
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This ASPR TRACIE technical assistance response includes sample questions provided by an ASPR TRACIE subject matter expert that can be tailored for a MOCC survey to pose to healthcare entities, along with resources that can be used to form example questions. It also includes general considerations related to assessing resources for a MOCC, and materials that provide data on hospitals collected at state and federal levels which may be useful for a MOCC (e.g., supply levels, bed capacity, medical facilities within a region).
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes sample brochures available online and provided by SMEs that can be used to provide an introduction to a coalition. Related Topic Collections: Coalition Administrative Issues, and Coalition Models and Functions.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides information and resources, from ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre members, on HCC membership dues.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes a summary of example benefits to hospitals and their staff for participating in a coalition, anecdotal information received from ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre members, and numerous marketing materials/ resources.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes comments/ recommendations from the ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre members regarding how a healthcare coalition can best partner with an academic institution.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes HCC outreach/ recruitment materials provided by ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre members.
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* ASPR TRACIE. (2021). Pharmaceutical Cache Resources.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources related to healthcare coalitions and the acquisition of pharmaceuticals and other supplies, such as personal protective equipment.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes comments from ASPR TRACIE Subject Matter Expert Cadre members and identifies high-level considerations for operationalizing regional planning and response efforts.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides sample communications plans. Related Topic Collections: Coalition Models and Functions, and the Communication Systems Topic Collections.
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  • Jennifer Martin This may need to be reviewed. None of the links outside of ASPR are active as of 8/12/2022
    8/12/2022 7:46:52 AM
This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources that address HCC funding models. Related Topic Collection: Coalition Models and Functions.
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Homecare and Hospice

This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides surge resources specific to homecare and hospice agencies.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes emergency operations plans specific to homecare and hospice agencies.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources related to crisis standards of care that are specific to hospice and palliative care.
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Infectious Diseases

This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides a summary of general findings received from ASPR staff, ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre members, and relevant resources/ articles. In addition, the team reached out directly to seven facilities across the US to determine if they have any such plans or policies in place. Related Topic Collection: ASPR TRACIE VHF/Ebola.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides various guidance documents, resources, and tools specific to infectious disease planning in primary care settings and Federally Qualified Health Centers. The resources are divided into five categories: needs assessments/ risk assessments; pandemic influenza; Ebola, Zika, and general.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides sample policies and protocols for monitoring healthcare workers during an outbreak, in particular Ebola Virus Disease (EVD). Related Topic Collections: VHF/Ebola and Responder Safety and Health.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes resources on best practices and lessons learned related to hepatitis A outbreaks.
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ASPR TRACIE. (2018). Influenza Surge Sites.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes sample plans, tools, templates, and guidance documents from other jurisdictions/ health systems that have used portable facilities (e.g., tents, mobile trailers/clinics) to decompress emergency departments inundated with influenza and other seasonal illness. Note: The ASPR TRACIE Team also connected the requestor directly with ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre members for further consultation. Related Resources: Alternate Care Sites, Crisis Standards of Care, Hospital Surge Capacity and Immediate Bed Availability, and Epidemic/Pandemic Influenza Topic Collections; Select Infectious Disease Resources page; and Considerations for the Use of Temporary Surge Sites for Managing Seasonal Patient Surge (working draft).
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ASPR TRACIE. (2018). Pandemic Influenza Resources.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides pandemic influenza resources, including ASPR TRACIE-developed resources, to inform preparations for an upcoming pandemic influenza exercise. Related Topic Collection: Epidemic/ Pandemic Flu, and Exercise Program.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes comments from ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre members and guidance documents related to a PUI presenting to a hospital. Related Topic Collections: VHF/Ebola, SARS/MERS, and Epidemic/Pandemic Influenza.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides information related to pertussis outbreaks, specifically as it pertains to lessons learned regarding past outbreaks and vaccination programs in the Amish community.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes pandemic influenza plans at the state health department level. Also provides information from the CDC Public Health Emergency Preparedness program and ASPR’s Office of Policy and Planning on how to address Domain 6, “Scientific Infrastructure and Preparedness,” of the HHS Pandemic Influenza Plan: 2017 Update document at the state public health level. Related Topic Collection: Epidemic/ Pandemic Flu.
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ASPR TRACIE. (2018). Zika Virus and Older Adults.
ASPR TRACIE was asked if we had resources related to the prevention, detection, and treatment of Zika Virus specific to older adults. Guidance for this group is the same as for the general population. Several relevant resources are included in this response. Related Resources: Zika Topic Collection, Zika: Resources at Your Fingertips, and Zika Virus Planning Considerations for Healthcare Facilities and Coalitions.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides information on the mental/behavioral health impact or implications of measles, specifically Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) materials.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes templates and planning guidance to inform the development of a health and medical coalition highly infectious disease response annex.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes feedback provided by ASPR TRACIE SMEs; links to highly infectious diseases/special pathogens and port of entry planning resources; and additional surge plans, tools, and guidance documents as they relate to infectious diseases/special pathogens.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes information on quarantine and isolation legal authorities, particularly as it pertains to possible HIPAA violations.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response highlights literature on pediatric surge of infectious disease at long-term care (LTC) facilities.
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ASPR TRACIE. (2022). Monkeypox Resources.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides links to resources specific to the 2022 monkeypox outbreak.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes resources specific to telehealth, particularly how it can be used by healthcare professionals to support the management of infectious disease patients while helping other patients avoid exposure.
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Long-Term Care Facilities

ASPR TRACIE. (2017). Long-Term Care Statistics.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources, and a summary of pertinent data and excerpts from these resources. Related Topic Collection: Long-term Care Facilities.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes comments provided by ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre members and information gathered related to other long-term care workgroups. Related Topic Collection: Long-term Care Facilities.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response highlights literature on pediatric surge of infectious disease at long-term care (LTC) facilities.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides exercise resources specific to nursing homes/ long-term care facilities with a focus on an evacuation scenario.
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Mass Casualty

This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes comments from ASPR TRACIE Subject Matter Expert Cadre members and resources related to mass casualty incident patient registration.
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* ASPR TRACIE. (2020). Injury Types Due to Explosions.
This ASPR TRACIE TA request summarizes and provides links to resources that healthcare facility planners can use to develop a trauma mass casualty incident virtual tabletop exercise using the industry site explosion that occurred in Beirut, Lebanon on August 4, 2020 as the scenario.
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Medical Stations

This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes sample FMS-related and more general MOUs.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources specific to mobile medical units, including inventory cache lists.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources for mobile medical units, specifically for hospitals to utilize during events requiring surge.
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Mental/ Behavioral Health

This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides information on the mental/behavioral health impact or implications of measles, specifically Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) materials.
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ASPR TRACIE. (2019). Mobile Crisis Unit Resources.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes comments from an ASPR TRACIE Subject Matter Expert Cadre member and resources related to mobile crisis units, specifically with regards to the costs, funding mechanisms, and sustainability of operating such units.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources related to behavioral health assistance for individuals who are afraid to return to their homes following the earthquakes, such as was the experience in Puerto Rico.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides information on behavioral and mental health strategies, initiatives, resources and programs related to the promotion, prevention and treatment for emergency service workers in the United States.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes resources regarding staffing shortages, unemployment numbers, suicide attempts, behavioral healthcare shortages, and economic impacts related to recent disasters.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources on mental health and pediatric critical care patients in pediatric intensive care units (PICU), their families/support system, and PICU providers.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes resources on the effects of psychiatric holds on law enforcement; approaches to address mental health crises in the community to divert or minimize the number of psychiatric patients arriving in the ED; and the causes of and challenges associated with boarding psychiatric patients in the ED, the effects of ED boarding on patient care and hospital and community resources, and potential solutions.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes statistical information on healthcare staff who do not return to work following a disaster, and feedback from ASPR TRACIE subject matter experts from two large healthcare systems that have been impacted by disasters.
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ASPR TRACIE. (2018). Thermometry.
This ASPR TRACIE TA Response includes links to research materials and studies that compared the durability and accuracy of disposable strip thermometers, infrared skin/ear thermometers, and standard oral thermometers. Additionally, it provides links to resources that pertain to mass screenings and thermometry.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes links to resources on physician assistants (PAs) specific to reciprocity and license transferability to enable PAs to work in another state to aid in a disaster/emergency.
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ASPR TRACIE. (2019). Surgery Triage Color Codes.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources and comments from ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre members on the use of color codes for the triage of surgical patients.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes links to resources related to whole community planning that address engaging public administration officials and community members in the emergency/ public health preparedness planning process.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes resources related to hospital patient discharge or transfer times. Terms used to describe this include, “discharge before noon (DBN),” “length of stay (LOS),” and “discharge processes.”
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes resources related to the roles that public libraries can play in emergency response.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes resources related to DNR/DNI orders and historical policies during crisis.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes sample missing person policies and procedural documents for health care facilities.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes resources related to hospital benefits resulting from preparedness, return on investment in healthcare preparedness, and additional resources related to the cost of healthcare preparedness.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes comments from ASPR TRACIE Subject Matter Expert Cadre members and resources related to metal detector use in hospitals.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources related to protecting community hospitals and providing care during civil unrest.
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Natural Disasters and Extreme Weather

ASPR TRACIE. (2015). El Niño Health Effects.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes a summary paper examining and outlining the El Niño impacts on domestic weather patterns and potential related health effects. Related Topic Collection: Natural Disasters.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes a compilation of flooding-specific resources related to disaster planning, preparations for evacuating or temporarily relocating, finding and arranging specialty transportation, facility preparations, temporary power supply, recovery, federal funds/ grants available, lessons learned on disaster recovery, and other resources.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes After-Action Reports (AAR) and lessons learned resources specific to Hurricanes Katrina, Rita, and Harvey.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources related to behavioral health assistance for individuals who are afraid to return to their homes following the earthquakes, such as was the experience in Puerto Rico.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes resources regarding staffing shortages, unemployment numbers, suicide attempts, behavioral healthcare shortages, and economic impacts related to recent disasters.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes resources and key points for consideration as it relates to how the healthcare and public health sector may contribute to/ affect/ exacerbate climate change issues.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response discusses COVID-19 and secondary disasters, particularly as it pertains to health and medical considerations and need for facilities and communities to shelter-in-place or evacuate during disasters (e.g., hurricanes, tornadoes, and wildfires) while requiring to maintain social distancing practices.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes key points for consideration and resources related to human health and environmental impacts of volcanic eruptions.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes resources that can help planners rebuild resilient hospitals after storm damage.
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Patient Tracking / Patient Transfer

ASPR TRACIE. (2016). Patient Transfer Forms.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides templates and resources specific to the transfer of patients between healthcare providers. Related Topic Collections: Patient Movement and Tracking, and Continuity of Operations (COOP)/ Failure Plan.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes recommendations from ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre members, and hospital- and Federal Coordinating Center (FCC)-specific resources related to NDMS. Related ASPR TRACIE Resources: Healthcare Facility Evacuation/Sheltering Topic Collection, Patient Movement and Tracking Topic Collection, and ASPR TRACIE Exchange Issue on Healthcare Facility Evacuation.
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ASPR TRACIE. (2018). Patient Tracking Systems.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes resources on systems that are available for patient tracking. Related Topic Collections: Patient Movement and Tracking.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes general pediatric preparedness videos and other materials, resources specific to family reunification and support with a focus on young disaster survivors, and materials on pediatric mental/behavioral health. Related Topic Collections: Pediatric, Access and Functional Needs, Family Reunification and Support.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes emergency preparedness resources related to children with access and functional needs. Related Topic Collections: Pediatric, Access and Functional Needs, Healthcare Facility Evacuation / Sheltering, and Family Reunification and Support.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes videos, along with online courses and training resources. Related Topic Collection: Pediatric.
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ASPR TRACIE. (2017). Pediatric Safe Area.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides recommendations from other hospitals and health departments regarding professional qualifications and trainings for personnel that would staff a Pediatric Safe Area (for family reunification).
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes general healthcare “go kit”/evacuation supplies that may be tailored for pediatric providers, and a list of partners that healthcare entities serving children can use. Related Topic Collections: Pediatric and Healthcare Facility Evacuation / Sheltering.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources specifically related to outpatient care, urgent care, and ambulatory care sites. Related Topic Collections: Pediatric, Hospital Surge Capacity and Immediate Bed Availability, and Healthcare Facility Evacuation / Sheltering.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources that can inform a healthcare coalition's pediatric gap analysis.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources on mental health and pediatric critical care patients in pediatric intensive care units (PICU), their families/support system, and PICU providers.
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* ASPR TRACIE. (2020). Pediatric Exercise Resources.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes templates, toolkits, and other resources that healthcare agencies could use (and fill out) to develop and implement a pediatric tabletop exercise. Related Topic Collections: Pediatric, Exercise Program, and Incident Management.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response highlights literature on pediatric surge of infectious disease at long-term care (LTC) facilities.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides comments from ASPR TRACIE Subject Matter Expert Cadre members and resources related to pediatric crisis standards of care.
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* ASPR TRACIE. (2022). Pediatric Surge Resources.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides comments from an ASPR TRACIE Subject Matter Expert Cadre member. It also includes resources on staffing considerations for hospitals planning for or responding to pediatric surge events and other materials relevant to pediatric surge.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides feedback from an ASPR TRACIE Subject Matter Expert Cadre member and links to resources on clinical decision support tools developed by hospitals for the use of high-flow nasal cannulas (HFNC) in pediatric patients. Links to related resources on HFNC use in non-ICU settings for pediatrics, and transporting pediatric patients on HFNC are also included.
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Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources specific to the level of screening needed by first receivers using Level C PPE for chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosive (CBRNE) decontamination.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides informational training videos and other relevant resources on Level C PPE for pre-hospital healthcare providers.
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The ASPR TRACIE Team conducted a search for resources related to PPE for POD personnel. We were unable to locate a single table that lists PPE for POD personnel based on various infectious diseases. However, the resources provided in the response include guidance and may be useful in developing such a table.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes checklists, guidance documents, and other resources specific to PPE supply lists/ cache/ calculator for hospitals and HCCs. Related Topic Collection: Responder Safety and Health. NOTE: This TA response document was updated in 2020.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response document includes comments from ASPR TRACIE Subject Matter Expert Cadre members and guidance on taping of PPE.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources related to managing methadone patients during an emergency.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes materials related to responders exposed to fentanyl at crime scenes; general resources on opioids for first responders; and resources on the current opioid crisis, opioid addiction, and the use of naloxone to reverse overdoses.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources related to home infusion pharmacies.
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* ASPR TRACIE. (2021). Pharmaceutical Cache Resources.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources related to healthcare coalitions and the acquisition of pharmaceuticals and other supplies, such as personal protective equipment.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources related to the storage of drugs that deviate from normal temperatures due to natural disasters.
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This ASPR TRACIE response includes sample memorandum of understanding, guidance documents, and other materials identifying lessons learned related to IV infusions for the prophylaxis/treatment of COVID-19 and other pathogens as practical.
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Point of Dispensing (POD) Sites/ Mass Vaccination

This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes mass vaccination resources for various scenarios, including medical POD plans.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides materials specific to closed PODs, and resources related to open PODs and bioterrorism incidents specific to healthcare facilities. It also includes comments from ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre members. Related Topic Collections: Exercise Program, Hospital Surge Capacity and Immediate Bed Availability, and Mass Distribution and Dispensing of Medical Countermeasures.
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This ASPR TRACIE Technical Assistance response includes considerations and sample diagrams for setting up drive-through testing for infectious diseases/COVID-19. Links to related resources are also provided.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes resources related to drive-through PODs. Related Topic Collection: Mass Distribution and Dispensing of Medical Countermeasures.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes recovery plans for state and local health departments and additional recovery planning resources. Related Topic Collections: Recovery Planning and Continuity of Operations (COOP)/ Failure Plan.
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ASPR TRACIE. (2017). Recovery Resources.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides an extensive literature review of published and grey literature, and open source media accounts of past disaster recovery reports; as well as responses to several questions related to healthcare system’s ability to “recover” and return to baseline (or the “new normal”) following a disaster. Related Topic Collections: Recovery Planning and Continuity of Operations (COOP)/ Failure Plan.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes links to resources related to hospital reimbursement following an evacuation (due to a hurricane) and comments from ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre members.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes resources regarding staffing shortages, unemployment numbers, suicide attempts, behavioral healthcare shortages, and economic impacts related to recent disasters.
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Refugee and Repatriation

ASPR TRACIE. (2016). Repatriation Plans.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources related to repatriation plans.
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ASPR TRACIE. (2017). Refugee Medical Triage.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes resources related to medical triage for refugees.
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ASPR TRACIE. (2017). US Refugee Management.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources related to US refugee management, policies and regulations, guidance, lessons learned from real events, resources related to unaccompanied minors, and cultural competency.
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ASPR TRACIE. (2021). Afghan Relocation Response.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides considerations for healthcare facilities planning for and responding to the Afghan Relocation Response/ Operation Allies Refuge.
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Responder/ Healthcare Staff Safety and Health

This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes personal preparedness and individual resilience resources for home health and long-term care professionals, as well as general guidance and resources.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes resources and comments from ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre members related to shower and eye wash station requirements.
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ASPR TRACIE. (2017). Mail Room Safety Resources.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources on mail room safety (e.g., how staff should handle suspicious packages).
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ASPR TRACIE. (2019). Deployment Health Forms.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes examples of deployment health forms that state health departments can use when their staff are deployed for disasters.
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This ASPR TRACIE Technical Assistance response includes information on the enforcement of quarantine orders (with an emphasis on compliance). Links to on-line training and related resources are included.
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ASPR TRACIE. (2020). Staff Absenteeism Resources.
This ASPR TRACIE Technical Assistance response document provides resources specific to healthcare system emergency preparedness planners and healthcare workers to use while preparing for and responding to staff absenteeism related to the infectious disease outbreaks.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources related to first receiver operational plans during a CBRN disaster.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes resources specific to the inclusion of rehabilitation professionals in disaster preparedness and response efforts in the U.S..
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Rural Disaster Health

This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides information from FEMA Regional and ASPR Recovery Division representatives related to how rural hospitals can submit requests for assistance with FEMA paperwork. In addition, it includes several links to resources on how healthcare facilities can apply for grant and funding assistance.
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Stockpiling/ Caching Supplies

ASPR TRACIE. (2016). Hospital Disaster Supplies.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides comments/recommendations from ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre members and resources on hospital and healthcare supplies/ stockpiles.
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ASPR TRACIE. (2016). Hospital Stockpile.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes California-specific resources (per the requestor’s ask), general resources, and comments from ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre members related to hospital stockpiles.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes information on mass casualty supplies, as well as comments from ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre members.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources related to supplies that a hospital should have in the event of a disaster (all-hazards). Includes references provided in previous technical assistance requests (updated in 2018).
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes resources that list recommended supplies/ equipment needed by primary care clinics during emergencies, both for staff (e.g., food and water) and patients (e.g., equipment, clinical supplies). Also includes comments from ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre members. Related Topic Collection: Ambulatory Care and Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC).
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources specific to mobile medical units, including inventory cache lists.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides guidance and best practices related to regional supply caches, along with resources provided by ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre members.
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ASPR TRACIE. (2016). Surge Definition.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides information on the definition of surge as it relates to immediate bed availability (IBA) and how surge is calculated. Related Topic Collection: Hospital Surge Capacity and Immediate Bed Availability.
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ASPR TRACIE. (2017). Surge of Surgical Patients.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides plans specific to hospitals and several departments within a hospital. Note: Surge plans specific to surgical patients and operating rooms were difficult to find. Related Topic Collection: Hospital Surge Capacity and Immediate Bed Availability.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides surge resources specific to homecare and hospice agencies.
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This ASPR TRACIE technical assistance response describes strategies for addressing strain on U.S. hospitals (due in part to increases in seasonal respiratory viruses and issues with available space and staffing), including specific data points and operational strategies.
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* ASPR TRACIE. (2022). Pediatric Surge Resources.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides comments from an ASPR TRACIE Subject Matter Expert Cadre member. It also includes resources on staffing considerations for hospitals planning for or responding to pediatric surge events and other materials relevant to pediatric surge.
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Utility Failures

This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides links to resources on supplemental bulk water supply methods for hospitals in the event that their primary water supply was disrupted. Related Topic Collection: Utility Failures.
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* ASPR TRACIE. (2018). Hospital Water Storage Tanks.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources and comments from ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre members related to water storage tanks at healthcare facilities/ hospitals.
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ASPR TRACIE. (2018). Power Outage Plans.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes power outage plans for local health departments, both general and specific to refrigeration failure and the storage of vaccines.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes comments from ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre members and resources related to emergencies/ disasters and hospital sterile processing departments.
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* ASPR TRACIE. (2019). Paper-Based Hospital Records.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources and comments from ASPR TRACIE SME Cadre members related to managing hospital records on paper when electronic health records cannot be used. Related Topic Collection: Utility Failures.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes guidance, best practices, and lessons learned resources specific to the impacts of power outages on residents who receive medical care and rely on power-assisted medical equipment.
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Workplace Violence and Active Shooter

The ASPR TRACIE Team conducted two searches: one for resources related to active shooter incidents in healthcare, specifically in long-term care (LTC) facilities and the other for resources on violent crimes committed against healthcare workers from 2014 to the present date. ASPR TRACIE was unable to locate any research that specified incidents occurring at a LTC facility. However, several resources were provided to include relevant, helpful data. Related Topic Collections: Explosives and Mass Shooting and Long Term Care.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes resources related to active shooter incidents in healthcare facilities.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes templates and other resources related to hostage situations in healthcare facilities. Related Topic Collections: Explosives and Mass Shooting, Workplace Violence, and Long-term Care Facilities.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides links to ASPR TRACIE-developed resources specific to healthcare active shooter incidents. It also includes published articles related to the concept of a “secure-preserve-fight” model.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes links to tabletop exercise materials and related resources to help plan a Code Grey hospital/ healthcare exercise. Code Grey indicates an abusive or assaultive person.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes comments from ASPR TRACIE Subject Matter Expert Cadre members and resources related to hospital bomb threats.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes links to resources that mention securing doors in hospital-based active shooter incidents.
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ASPR TRACIE. (2024). Hospital Lockdown Resources.
This ASPR TRACIE TA response provides resources related to active shooter, hostage-taking, and other potentially violent incidents that include information on hospital lockdowns.
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This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes resources related to healthcare facility active shooter drills and drill evaluations. Related Topic Collections: Active Shooter and Explosives, Workplace Violence, and Exercise Program.
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