Topic Collection Cover Page

COVID-19 Workforce Surge Planning and Volunteer Matching
Topic Collection
January 22, 2021

Topic Collection: COVID-19 Workforce Surge Planning and Volunteer Matching

This collection includes resources specific to workforce surge planning in response to the COVID-19 emergency. It also contains tools and resources to assist in identification and matching of healthcare provider volunteers to health workforce needs.

Additional related resources may be found in the ASPR TRACIE Hospital Surge Capacity and Immediate Bed Availability Topic Collection.

Please refer to CDC’s Coronavirus Disease 2019 webpage for the most up-to-date clinical guidance on COVID19 outbreak management.   

If you are a decision-maker and have COVID-19 promising practices, plans, tools, or templates to share with your peers, please visit the ASPR TRACIE Information Exchange COVID-19 Information Sharing Page (registration required) and place your resources under the relevant topic area. Resources specific to decision-making on healthcare workforce can be placed under the COVID-19 Workforce Virtual Toolkit Topic.  

NOTE: inclusion of any reference in this document does not constitute an endorsement, acknowledgment, or suggestion that the reference is the only or best example for that topic. References are included as examples which were provided as suggestions at the time the document was developed.

All guidance posted is accessible to the public, and non-federal resources are noted with an asterisk (*). Linking to a non-federal website does not constitute an endorsement by the U.S. government, or any of its employees, of the information and/or products presented on that site.

Volunteer Matching

American Hospital Association 100 Million Masks Challenge. (2020). Support and Coordination for Workforce Shortages: Call for Volunteers *.
AHA is expanding the 100 Million Mask Challenge to support the state, regional and metro hospital associations as they assist hospitals both locally and across their states address growing workforce shortages. This webpage lists state-specific efforts seeking volunteers.
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This guide includes information for physicians and health care professionals who want to support communities severely impacted by COVID-19. It tells how and where to volunteer—and things to consider before registering. For state agencies and institutions, the guide includes information on third-party organizations that can identify and match volunteers accordingly as well as resources for credentialing in an emergency.
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American Nephrology Nurses Association (ANNA). (2020). Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19): Information and Resources *.
ANNA has developed a tool to identify areas in need of nephrology nurses. The tool enables organizations to submit and share information about current needs for nephrology nursing staff while nurses are able to search the tool by state to quickly identify and contact facilities with openings.
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Workforce Surge Planning

During a pandemic or other emergency, healthcare facilities face significant challenges to quickly onboard additional healthcare providers when hospital admissions and ICU occupancy increase rapidly. This onboarding checklist can ensure new employees are compliant with administrative requirements, familiar with the mission and culture of the hospital, and understand expectations.
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Health care workforce planners can use the updated Health Care Provider Shortages document to help prevent staff shortages and meet the demand for additional staff during and after a disaster or public health emergency. Strategies for quantifying workforce needs and supporting, maximizing, and supplementing staff include lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic.
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This webinar features presentations about how three hospitals adapted staffing during the COVID-19 pandemic. Presentations include photos, recommended practices, sample online forms, and screenshots of dashboards. The page provides a link to the video recording of the webinar, presentation slides, and a link to a version of the course that allows continuing education credit.
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The COVID Staffing Project. (2020). COVIDStaffingProject *.
The COVID Staffing Project unites collaborators from Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Michigan Medicine, the Department of Learning Health Sciences, and the Center for Healthcare Engineering and Patient Safety, and the Procedural Learning and Safety Collaborative. The tools developed support hospitals in projecting frontline workforce needs, redeploying clinical teams, and protecting the health and well-being of providers.
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UCSF Healthforce Center. (2020). COVID-19 Health Workforce Surge Planning *.
This website provides recommendations and other rapid response resources that support rapid scale-up of the health care workforce to address the COVID-19 crisis in California.
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