Topic Collection Cover Page

COVID-19 and K-12 Schools: Resources for Operating K-12 Schools in a COVID-19 Environment
Topic Collection
October 6, 2020

Topic Collection: COVID-19 and K-12 Schools: Resources for Operating K-12 Schools in a COVID-19 Environment

This collection provides resources related to ways K-12 Schools across the country are operating in the COVID-19 environment.

Please refer to CDC’s Coronavirus Disease 2019 webpage for the most up-to-date Considerations for K-12 Schools.

If you are a K-12 School and have COVID-19 plans, tools, or templates to share with your peers, please visit the ASPR TRACIE Information Exchange COVID-19 Information Sharing Page (registration required) and place your resources under the COVID-19 Response Assistance Field Team Observations Topic.

NOTE: inclusion of any reference in this document does not constitute an endorsement, acknowledgment, or suggestion that the reference is the only or best example for that topic. References are included as examples that were provided as suggestions at the time the document was developed.

All guidance posted is accessible to the public, and non-federal resources are noted with an asterisk (*). Linking to a non-federal website does not constitute an endorsement by the U.S. government, or any of its employees, of the information and/or products presented on that site. 

EducationSuperHighway. (2020). Digital Bridge K-12 *.
This webpage outlines North Dakota’s plan and implementation of broadband access to rural areas, for enhanced K-12 learning.
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Georgia Department of Education. (2020). Georgia's Path to Recovery for K-12 *.
This plan was developed in collaboration with the Georgia Department of Public Health to help schools safely return to in-person instruction in the fall of 2020.
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Green Bay Area Public School District. (2020). Return to School YouTube Video *.
This video uses school staff to show students what to expect on the bus, in the classroom, in the office, hand-washing procedures, mask wearing, among other mitigation strategies.
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Idaho Office of Emergency Management. (2020). Idaho School District Status *.
This webpage provides the operational status of all Idaho public and charter schools.
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Idaho State Department of Education. (2020). Idaho Back to School Framework 2020 *.
This plan outlines Idaho’s expectations, support for local governance and decision-making, and guidance and best practices on the key operational components for safe reopening in the fall.
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Iowa Department of Education. (2020). Return to Learn *.
This webpage provides tools and resources for Iowa school districts and nonpublic schools to develop and implement a return to school plan.
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