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  • COVID-19 Workforce Virtual Toolkit: Resources for Healthcare Decision-Makers Responding to COVID-19 Workforce Concerns
    Author: COVID-19 Workforce.
    Date Published: 2020
    Annotation:  This collection provides a curated set of resources and tools for decision-makers managing healthcare workforce challenges in response to the COVID-19 emergency.
    ID: 8097
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  • COVID-19 Health Equity Resources
    Author: COVID-19 Real-Time Learning Network.
    Source: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Infectious Diseases Society of America.
    Date Published: 2022
    Annotation:  This resource page includes links to various training and other resources to inform provision of equitable COVID-19 care.
    Keywords: COVID-19, equity
    ID: 11210
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  • COVID-19: Healthcare System Operations Strategies and Experiences
    Author: ASPR TRACIE.
    Date Published: 2020
    Annotation:  Speakers from some of the hardest hit hospitals across the U.S. discuss their COVID-19 experiences in this webinar.
    Keywords: covid-19. corona virus
    ID: 8547
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  • Surge Roadmap: Strategies for Managing a Surge in COVID-19 Cases
    Author: COVID-19 Healthcare Resilience Working Group.
    Date Published: 2020
    Annotation:  The speakers provide an overview of the "Surge Roadmap" and related COVID-19 patient management strategies.
    Keywords: surge, patient surge, covid-19, coronavirus
    ID: 9417
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  • Caring for People with COVID-19
    Author: Australia National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce.
    Date Published: 2021
    Annotation:  This webpage includes clinical care guidelines, clinical flowcharts, a list of evidence under review, and infection prevention recommendations related to COVID-19.
    Keywords: COVID-19, clinical guidelines
    ID: 10136
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  • COVID-19 Resources
    Author: ASPR TRACIE.
    Date Published: 2020
    Annotation:  This page highlights resources identified or developed to address current response and recovery operations to novel coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19). Please refer to CDC’s Coronavirus Di... [Read More]
    ID: 7877
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  • COVID-19 Health Literacy Project
    Author: COVID-19 Health Literacy Project.
    Date Published: 2021
    Annotation:  In collaboration with Harvard Health Publishing, this project creates and translates fact sheets about COVID-19 into more than 35 languages. Fact sheets are composed for a general a... [Read More]
    Notes:  (Added 1/11/2021.)
    Keywords: COVID-19, communication, risk communications, translated materials, fact sheets, messaging
    ID: 9687
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  • Strategies for Managing a Surge in COVID-19 Cases
    Author: COVID-19 Healthcare Resilience Working Group.
    Date Published: 2020
    Annotation:  This resource provides guidance to the state, tribal, local, and territorial (STLT) jurisdictions on how to enhance their healthcare capacities in response to a surge in COVID-19 ca... [Read More]
    Keywords: surge,covid-19, patient surge, staff shortage, staff playbook
    ID: 9383
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  • COVID-19: Novel Coronavirus Outbreak
    Author: Wiley Online Library.
    Date Published: 2022
    Annotation:  Wiley offers free access to its COVID-19 pandemic related journal articles and book chapters.
    Notes:  (Added 4/24/2020.)
    Keywords: COVID-19, coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2
    ID: 8334
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  • Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
    Author: National Emerging Special Pathogen Training and Education Center.
    Date Published: 2020
    Annotation:  The National Emerging Special Pathogen Training and Education Center (NETEC) created this page to share COVID-19 related resources. The page provides key situation updates, links to... [Read More]
    Notes:  (Added 4/24/2020.)
    Keywords: COVID-19, coronavirus
    ID: 8320
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  • COVID-19 Alternate Care Site Discussion Guide
    Author: COVID-19 Healthcare Resilience Working Group.
    Date Published: 2020
    Annotation:  A local surge in the need for medical care might require jurisdictions to establish alternate care sites (ACS) where patients with COVID-19 can receive medical care for the duration... [Read More]
    Keywords: ACS, alternate care, covid-19, coronavirus
    ID: 9451
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  • Talking With Patients About Advance Directives During the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Author: COVID-19 Healthcare Resilience Task Force.
    Date Published: 2020
    Annotation:  Because the medical status of individuals with COVID-19 can quickly change to the point that they may need advanced life support (e.g., a ventilator), it is important for patients t... [Read More]
    Keywords: covid-19, coronavirus, advance directives, end of life
    ID: 8094
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  • Resources for Programs Providing Medication Assisted Treatment for Opioid Use Disorder During the COVID-19 Pandemic
    Author: COVID-19 Healthcare Resilience Task Force.
    Date Published: 2020
    Annotation:  This document lists COVID-19-specific guidance and resources for in-patient and out-patient programs and facilities providing Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) for individuals wit... [Read More]
    Keywords: Medication Assisted Treatment , MAT, opioid, covid-19, coronavirus
    ID: 8125
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  • COVID-19 Response Assistance Field Team Observations
    Author: ASPR COVID-19 Response Assistance Field Team.
    Date Published: 2020
    Annotation:  This collection provides a set of resources provided by local jurisdictions and community-based organizations during COVID-19 Response Assistance Field Team visits across the countr... [Read More]
    ID: 9052
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  • COVID-19 (Novel Coronavirus) Information
    Author: Michigan Medicine.
    Source: University of Michigan.
    Date Published: 2020
    Annotation:  This page includes COVID-19 testing guidance as well as emergency department, inpatient, and outpatient treatment guidelines.
    Keywords: COVID-19, coronavirus, clinical protocol, clinical care, ICU, treatment
    ID: 7927
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  • Considerations for Assessing Regional Patient Load-Balancing Effects during COVID-19
    Author: COVID-19 Healthcare Resilience Working Group.
    Date Published: 2020
    Annotation:  Surges of COVID-19 cases have overwhelmed hospitals in many areas of the United States. Often, severe patient loads are concentrated on a few facilities in a region. This document d... [Read More]
    Keywords: surge, patient surge, covid-19, coronavirus, load, load-balance, load balancing, MOCC
    ID: 9026
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  • COVID-19 (2019 Novel Coronavirus) Resource Center for Physicians
    Author: American Medical Association.
    Date Published: 2023
    Annotation:  This page offers resources to support physicians in their response to COVID-19.
    Keywords: COVID-19, physician
    ID: 9600
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  • COVID-19 (2019 Novel Coronavirus) *
    Author: Urban Indian Health Institute.
    Date Published: 2020
    Annotation:  This website provides resources and fact sheets for tribes and urban Indian organizations and communities related to the Novel Coronavirus outbreak.
    Keywords: native american, indian, tribe, tribal, alaska native
    ID: 9119
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  • Risk Management for Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)
    Author: Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Agency.
    Source: U.S. Department of Homeland Security.
    Date Published: 2020
    Annotation:  This guide identifies actions to address infrastructure protection, supply chain, and cybersecurity issues during the COVID-19 pandemic.
    Keywords: COVID-19, infrastructure, supply chain, cybersecurity
    ID: 8711
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  • Corona Virus Disease (COVID-19) EMS Playbook
    Author: Northwest Community Emergency Medical Services System.
    Date Published: 2020
    Annotation:  This document compiles information relevant for emergency medical service professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic and will be updated over time.
    Notes:  (Added 12/15/2020.)
    ID: 9444
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