Mass Gathering Medicine in Soccer Leagues A Review and Creation of the SALEM Tool
Khan, A., Abdulrahman, S., Ranse, J., et al.
Mass Gathering Medicine in Soccer Leagues: A Review and Creation of the SALEM Tool.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 18(19): 9973.
The SALEM tool was created to provide planning and risk assessment guidance for mass gatherings (primarily soccer games in Saudi Arabia) . Table 1 lists incidents and casualties at soccer games from 1946-2015. Table 2 lists the factors used in the Saudi SALEM model (e.g., nature of event, expected number of attendees, age group, location of healthcare resources, past incidents). Table 3 illustrates how events are then categorized (from low to severe risk). Planners in the U.S. may consider using this tool in preparation for mass gathering events.
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