Building Health Care System Capacity Training Health Care Professionals in Disaster Preparedness Health Care Coalitions
Walsh, L., Craddock, H., Gulley, K., et al.
Building Health Care System Capacity: Training Health Care Professionals in Disaster Preparedness Health Care Coalitions.
(Free registration required.) Prehospital and Disaster Medicine. 30(2):123-30.
A semi-structured interview was conducted with a sample of leaders of 9 well-established preparedness-focused health care coalitions (HCCs) to determine education and training needs, challenges, and promising practices. Training topics identified as priorities included chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, and explosives (CBRNE), and mass-casualty incidents. The authors note that “an online resource repository would help reduce the burden on individual coalitions by eliminating the need to continually develop learning opportunities.”
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