Mass Distribution and Dispensing/Administration of Medical Countermeasures
Topic Collection
September 6, 2024
Topic Collection: Mass Distribution and Dispensing/Administration of Medical Countermeasures
This Topic Collection provides links to federal, state, local, and tribal programs and resources, lessons learned, plans, tools, and templates, courses, and guidance that can help planners address the need to effectively distribute and administer medical countermeasures (MCMs) to a large number of persons in a short period of time.
There are two primary goals of MCMs. First, mass dispensing modalities may prevent individuals exposed to a biological, chemical, or radiological agent from becoming ill through their receipt of post-exposure prophylaxis. This “mass prophylaxis” is most often provided to affected individuals through “open” or public points of dispensing (PODs). “Closed” PODs are located within health care organizations, fire departments, businesses, or other community organizations. Closed PODs may be developed for response partners and vulnerable populations that can provide the MCM directly to their employees or residents.
MCMs can include vaccines, antiviral drugs, antitoxins, antibiotics, medical equipment, personal protective equipment, and materials designed to prevent or mitigate effects of illness or injury. ASPR's Division of the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) maintains a stockpile that includes medical countermeasures.
Planning considerations and response efforts for MCMs can be quite complex due to the need to address varied incident types and scale; potential tight time constraints and significant volumes of MCMs that need to be dispensed; public trust and compliance issues; coincident major medical surge responses; and the need for coordination across all levels of government and among health care coalition partners.
Related information can be found in the following Topic Collections (listed alphabetically): Bioterrorism and High Consequence Biological Threats; Burns; Chemical Hazards; Disasters and Healthcare Disparity; Influenza Epidemic/ Pandemic; Healthcare-Related Disaster Legal/ Regulatory/ Federal Policy, Hospital Patient Decontamination; Pharmacy; Pre-Hospital Patient Decontamination; Radiological and Nuclear; Coronaviruses (e.g., SARS, MERS and COVID-19); Ebola/VHF; Volunteer Management; and Zika.
Collaboratively with the HHS Coordination Operations and Response Element (H-CORE), ASPR TRACIE has also developed a Medical Countermeasures Commercialization page with information on the COVID-19 countermeasures transition from U.S. government leadership to commercial distribution.
Each resource in this Topic Collection is placed into one or more of the following categories (click on the category name to be taken directly to that set of resources). Resources marked with an asterisk (*) appear in more than one category.
Must Reads
This document consists of a one-page table that summarizes the different factors involved in attaining preparedness for medical countermeasure (MCM) distribution. The authors include considerations for the pre-activation phase; preparing for incoming deliveries; warehouse operations at the Receipt, Store, and Stage (RSS) site; inventory tracking; outgoing deliveries from the RSS site; and readiness of the receiving sites to effectively manage the MCMs when they are delivered.
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The authors reviewed 33 peer-reviewed studies that assessed communication strategies or information needs using hypothetical CBRN scenarios or in actual CBRN incidents to identify in advance what people would want to know, where they would get information from, and how messages should be presented. These strategies are critical for ensuring that affected individuals get to the right place at the right time to receive assessment and interventions.
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This webpage provides guidance on diagnosis and treatment for healthcare providers. It includes downloadable tools, templates, references, and contact lists.
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This website provides a wide range of information on chemical hazards for first responders, healthcare providers, and incident command staff.
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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response. (n.d.).
Strategic National Stockpile.
(Accessed 3/10/2024.)
In the event of a public health emergency so severe that local supplies are taxed, the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) can be activated to ensure medicine and supplies get to those who need it most. This website includes information on the history of the SNS; sustaining the SNS; partnerships; managed inventory; training and exercises; and examples of the SNS in action.
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The FDA works within this framework to ensure that the U.S. legal system effectively supports public health emergency preparedness and response. This webpage includes links to related legislation on topics such as emergency use authorizations, cooperative arrangements, and the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Reauthorization Act of 2013.
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Distribution of MCM: Warehouse and MCM Delivery
This website includes information on the capabilities for national public health preparedness planning at the state, local, tribal, and territorial levels developed with the input of subject matter experts and stakeholder organizations. This document describes the functions, tasks, performance measures, and resource elements required to achieve the Public Health Preparedness Capabilities. For information on the capabilities relevant to medical countermeasures, go to the “Explore the 2018 Preparedness and Response Capabilities” section and select Capability 8 and 9.
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This plan for requesting and dispensing medical countermeasures contains detailed information on Frederick County’s MD authorities, state vs. local roles, and information about POD operation and distribution decision-making. While the information may be slightly outdated, contents may be helpful for other counties interested in creating similar plans.
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This webpage contains an overview of the Strategic National Stockpile, Emergency Dispensing Sites (EDS), the CHEMPACK Program for chemical incidents, and a web-based course designed by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. For checklists and information on EDS, access
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This document consists of a one-page table that summarizes the different factors involved in attaining preparedness for medical countermeasure (MCM) distribution. The authors include considerations for the pre-activation phase; preparing for incoming deliveries; warehouse operations at the Receipt, Store, and Stage (RSS) site; inventory tracking; outgoing deliveries from the RSS site; and readiness of the receiving sites to effectively manage the MCMs when they are delivered.
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Education, Training, and Exercises
Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response. (n.d.).
SNS Training and Exercises.
(Accessed 3/6/2024.) U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
This website provides links to courses, trainings, and exercises on the Strategic National Stockpile, and federal medical stations.
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This webpage contains information and links to training on the Strategic National Stockpile, managed by the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response. It includes resources on risk communications, federal medical stations, planning for, receiving, staging, and storing countermeasures.
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CDC TRAIN. (2023).
(Free registration required.)
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention offer numerous on-line courses on volunteer management, medical countermeasures, the Strategic National Stockpile, dispensing and vaccination clinics. Users should search by keyword to locate courses specific to their needs.
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The CDC’s Division of State and Local Readiness (DSLR) Training Team identified a set of six common responsibilities and associated skills of Medical Countermeasure (MCM) Coordinators to aid in supporting the training needs of MCM Coordinators across the country. These responsibilities and skills were developed with input from CDC MCM subject matter experts, the National Association of County & City Health Officials (NACCHO), and the Association of State and Territorial Health Officers (ASTHO).
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The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention created this tool to help emergency preparedness and response partners who may be involved in post-radiation incident population monitoring. "This is a T.E.S.T." is a game that uses operational exercises and narrative-based problems to improve teamwork, understand resource management, and aid in understanding specific roles and responsibilities during a radiation emergency.
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This video recording of a large-scale exercise in October 2019 brought together stakeholders to understand pandemic preparedness and readiness. Segment 1 focused on medical countermeasure stockpiles and distribution to mitigate health impacts.
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This webpage includes links to HSEEP-compliant exercise documents that were developed by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health. This series of exercises concluded with full-scale exercises of Medical Countermeasure Distribution and Dispensing in November 2015.
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Each of these five 2-hour workshops explores a different facet of medical countermeasures and public-private partnerships. Topics include data-informed decision making, acceptance and uptake, dispensing and distribution, and administration of countermeasures.
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This webpage links to several trainings (available on TRAIN, for which users need a free account) that can assist planners with preparing for medical countermeasure dispensing.
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The authors reviewed drills by local jurisdictions between 2012 and 2016 as they practiced dispensing of medical countermeasures. They aggregated point of dispensing (POD) setup data from around the U.S. to understand the time required to set up a POD. They conclude that there have been national improvements in POD preparedness, though some jurisdictions may benefit from technical assistance when setting up these dispensing sites.
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This course (online and self-paced) was designed to supplement just-in-time training and provides a general overview of points of dispensing (PODs) and the roles that staff and volunteers can play to ensure PODs run smoothly. It also includes information on the Strategic National Stockpile in emergency response, dispensing site design and flow, and positions which should be filled for POD operations.
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Equity in Countermeasure Distribution
Speakers share challenges associated with vulnerable populations and open points of dispensing (PODs) and strategies for using closed PODs to help protect the health of members of vulnerable populations.
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The Council shares that many medical countermeasures (MCM) are more likely to be approved for adult use and may not take the unique needs of children into account. They drafted this policy statement to suggest recommendations that address the gaps for the development and use of MCMs in children during public health emergencies or disasters and discuss available options and regulatory issues.
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This article discusses how global equity in medical countermeasure access can be achieved, in part through CEPI’s 100 Days Mission, which aims to deliver effective vaccines within 100 days of an emergent pathogen’s first impact. The author outlines how global equity in countermeasure access is essential to health security.
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The authors discuss the coronavirus vaccine rollout in Orthodox Jewish neighborhoods in England, as these communities have experienced measles outbreaks in the past due to suboptimal vaccine coverage. By conducting 28 semi-structured interviews with relevant stakeholders such as religious representatives and household members, the authors conclude that local vaccine programs should involve trusted community organizations in related communication and implementation strategies.
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The authors present information regarding vaccine, antimicrobial drug prophylaxis and treatment, clinical considerations, and other factors healthcare practitioners must take into consideration when treating pregnant and postpartum women after an anthrax exposure.
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The authors describe how to equitably distribute mpox vaccine given the limited supply during outbreaks. They stress the importance of “understanding three groups: people at greatest risk of infection, of infecting others, and of suffering the most harm if infected” and categorizing them by priority tiers (displayed in Table 1). Strategies for implementing these tiers are also discussed.
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Pediatric patients may react differently to certain medications, making the development of safe and effective medical countermeasures (MCM) for young patients critical to public health emergency preparedness. This webpage includes links to resources specific to bioterrorism emergencies and radiation emergencies.
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Theis document: outlines current request processes for federally recognized
tribes and Urban Indian Organizations (UIOs) to access Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) and other federal public health response supplies under a variety of legal instruments and emergency response authorities; describes the factors driving both the request processes themselves and medical countermeasure deployment methods used by SNS; and recommends strategies for accessing supplies that can support native communities, prevent supply shortages, and reduce health disparities.
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This Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report includes information from the CDC Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices on use of anthrax vaccine. Updates in this report include timing for boosters for people at high risk of exposure, intramuscular administration during an emergency response, vaccine preservation strategies if demand for vaccine outstrips supply, and clarification on use of antibiotic therapy in conjunction with use of the vaccine.
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This Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report includes information on prevention and treatment of naturally occurring anthrax. It includes alternative treatment regimens in case of patient contraindications to first line therapy or if the anthrax strain is multidrug resistant.
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This webpage contains information on the response and recovery for biological emergencies, including medical countermeasure (MCM) distribution. It covers types of countermeasures such as antibiotics, antivirals, and personal protective equipment, how hospital supplies can be used before MCMs arrive from state or federal stockpiles, dispensing and tracking of supplies, and MCM challenges.
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This document provides an overview of the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act (PAHPA), the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Reauthorization Act, and the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness and Advancing Innovation Act, along with the expected reauthorization. Additionally, the document explains how each of these Acts intends to enhance the availability of medical countermeasures and a proposal to include healthcare distributors as partners.
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This report includes information on how the Public Health Emergency Medical Countermeasures Enterprise (PHEMCE) was formalized by Congress to coordinate medical countermeasure distribution and dispensation across the U.S. It covers delivering on PHEMCE’s mission, ensuring its decisions are defensible, and engaging stakeholders.
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This webpage contains an overview of medical countermeasures (MCMs) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) role in their development, approval, and dispensation. It covers how MCMs are used in emergencies and provides information on FDA’s “Animal Rule” and links to additional information on MCMs.
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Legal and Regulatory Resources
This webpage contains information on federal funding of medical countermeasures, including opportunities and risks of new wave funding and strategies to reduce risks. The authors conclude that federal funding for medical countermeasures has created opportunities for the life sciences industry, but that those risks also need to be mitigated with compliance infrastructure and steady supply contracts.
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The evolution of authorities and public health liability protection for emergency use of medical countermeasures, associated with the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Reauthorization Act, is analyzed to advance emergency preparedness and response activities and protection of personnel.
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This website describes the Division on Regulatory and Quality Affairs’ efforts to minimize risks associated with medical countermeasures, from development to distribution. Links to reports and references on the animal rule, expiration dating extensions, and the related legal, regulatory, and policy framework are provided.
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This amendment includes an updated “description of covered countermeasures and the disease threat; extend[s] the effective time period of the declaration;” and clarifies the terms of the declaration.
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This page describes the legal authority possessed by the Secretary of Health and Human Services with and without a formal declaration of a public health emergency.
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This draft guidance document includes information regarding the implementation of section 3086 of the 21st Century Cures Act (Cures Act) (Public Law 114-255), which added section 565A of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) (21 U.S.C. 360bbb-4a). Section 565A requires the Food and Drug Administration “to award a priority review voucher (PRV) to sponsors of certain medical countermeasure (MCM) applications that meet the criteria specified in that section.”
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The FDA works within this framework to ensure that the U.S. legal system effectively supports public health emergency preparedness and response. This webpage includes links to related legislation on topics such as emergency use authorizations, cooperative arrangements, and the Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Reauthorization Act of 2013.
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This order allows public health emergency stakeholders to permit emergency dispensing of FDA-approved oral dosage forms of doxycycline products without prescription for the post-exposure treatment of “inhalational anthrax during an emergency involving Bacillus anthracis (B. anthracis), the biological agent that causes anthrax disease.”
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This webpage includes information and links to resources specific to facilitating the development of medical products (including MCMs) and MCM-specific Cures provisions (e.g., Emergency Use Authority and the MCM priority review voucher program).
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This authorization allows the Food and Drug Administration to facilitate the availability and use of medical countermeasures to assist during public health emergencies. Links to information on current authorizations (e.g., anthrax, Ebola, and nerve agent) are provided on this page.
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This webpage contains information on research funded by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to assess medical countermeasure (MCM) effectiveness and quality. It includes information on Broad Agency Announcement funding, areas of interest to FDA, lists of current and completed projects, and information on how the funding fits into U.S. MCM priorities.
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Lessons Learned: COVID-19
This book chapter discussed the present and future of U.S. and global disease surveillance systems as well as potential improvements to stockpiles and supply chains for medical countermeasures.
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Lessons Learned: Ebola
The authors discuss medical countermeasures (MCM) which can be used to protect against Ebola virus disease (EVD), including vaccines, diagnostics, and therapeutics developed after recent EVD outbreaks. The authors describe the U.S. government efforts to develop these countermeasures and lessons learned which can inform future MCM development.
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Lessons Learned: Influenza
The authors provide an overview of the improvements made to medical countermeasures since the 1918 influenza pandemic including developments in medical care, vaccines, antivirals, diagnostics, and communications. The article also highlights remaining gaps in the speed of vaccine manufacturing, more effective antivirals, and better respiratory protection.
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Workshop participants discussed the need for shared terminologies; data needs, sources, and collection methodologies; considerations for conducting rapid clinical research on medical countermeasures (MCM) during a public health emergency; and the federal perspective on MCM. Lessons from a 2012 fungal infection outbreak, anthrax, and H1N1 are shared in sidebars throughout the proceedings.
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The authors used a real seasonal influenza vaccination clinic to assess throughput and accuracy, and to evaluate the resources needed to operationalize a Point of Dispensing (POD) model to distribute the additional 50-day course of antibiotics and administer the 3-dose vaccine series required after the initial response to an aerosolized anthrax release is completed.
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The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health used points of dispensing (PODs) to vaccinate residents during the H1N1 outbreak. This article highlights vaccination rates by demographic, average distance traveled to PODs, and other factors that should be considered by emergency planners.
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Lessons Learned: Mpox
The authors discuss outreach to LGBTQI+ communities during the mpox outbreak. They describe strategies for reaching this population across the United States and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ efforts to reach those at highest risk.
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The authors describe how to equitably distribute mpox vaccine given the limited supply during outbreaks. They stress the importance of “understanding three groups: people at greatest risk of infection, of infecting others, and of suffering the most harm if infected” and categorizing them by priority tiers (displayed in Table 1). Strategies for implementing these tiers are also discussed.
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Mass Prophylaxis Planning: General
Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response. (2024).
SNS Planning Resources.
(Free registration required.) U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.
This ASPR state, tribal, local, and territorial (SLTT) SharePoint Site serves as a communication resource and information repository for the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) to provide SNS medical countermeasure planning guidance and resources intended for target audiences in SLTT public health and hospital preparedness programs. Free registration is required for access.
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This website includes information on the capabilities for national public health preparedness planning at the state, local, tribal, and territorial levels developed with the input of subject matter experts and stakeholder organizations. This document describes the functions, tasks, performance measures, and resource elements required to achieve the Public Health Preparedness Capabilities. For information on the capabilities relevant to medical countermeasures, go to the “Explore the 2018 Preparedness and Response Capabilities” section and select Capability 8 and 9.
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This article discusses findings from a poll conducted to examine the public's response to a mass prophylaxis program conducted under a “worst-case scenario” in which cases of inhalation anthrax are discovered without an identified source and the entire population of a city or town is asked to receive antibiotic prophylaxis within a 48-hour period. Findings provide indicators of public willingness to comply with public health recommendations for obtaining antibiotics from a dispensing site, although they also indicate that public health officials may face several challenges to compliance.
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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response. (n.d.).
Strategic National Stockpile.
(Accessed 3/10/2024.)
In the event of a public health emergency so severe that local supplies are taxed, the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) can be activated to ensure medicine and supplies get to those who need it most. This website includes information on the history of the SNS; sustaining the SNS; partnerships; managed inventory; training and exercises; and examples of the SNS in action.
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Mass Prophylaxis Planning: Point of Dispensing Alternatives (e.g., Closed PODs)
Speakers share challenges associated with vulnerable populations and open points of dispensing (PODs) and strategies for using closed PODs to help protect the health of members of vulnerable populations.
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The Philadelphia Department of Public Health tested the readiness of a nonmedical closed point-of-dispensing (POD) site to see how rapidly and accurately it could provide medication to its internal population. Mean throughput and accuracy rates were compared to a previous public POD exercise staffed by health department personnel and medical volunteers. Overall accuracy, and pediatric dosing accuracy, were found to be significantly lower during the closed POD vs. the public POD.
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This closed point of dispensing (POD) toolkit includes documents to use during POD planning, a variety of exercises and drills, and files which are of use when operating a closed POD.
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This county department of health webpage provides background on closed points of dispensing (PODs) that can be used to prepare for public health emergencies such as a biological attack or disease outbreak requiring medical countermeasure dispensation. It includes a link to a registration form for setting up a POD in Florida that can be tailored and used by other jurisdictions.
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This toolkit provides information on how to become a closed POD. It includes materials such as a closed POD dispensing plan template, sample POD checklists, sample Incident Command System structure and job action sheets, and a supply list for closed PODs.
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This webpage includes links to an infographic and report on a survey which found 86 percent of surveyed healthcare-related entities have closed POD agreements.
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The authors conducted qualitative interviews with disaster planners to understand how they recruit sites to be closed points of dispensing (PODs). They found that site size, ability to serve populations who lacked access to public PODs, and critical infrastructure organizations were important selection criteria. Lack of understanding of the importance of closed PODs and fear of legal repercussions due to medical countermeasure administration were challenges to closed POD site recruitment. The findings can be useful for other disaster planners expanding their closed POD networks.
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The authors interviewed 16 disaster planners about closed point of dispensing (POD) management practices, such as communication with POD sites, training for staff, and helping with exercises. Most closed PODs were in hospitals, long-term care facilities, and first responder sites. Respondents reported communication with health department officials once a site was determined a closed POD, but regularity differed. The importance of regular exercises was emphasized, as was understanding challenges associated with assessing readiness to deploy and managing a variety of sites. The practices explored in the article can improve jurisdictions’ ability to deploy medical countermeasures in the future.
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Mass Prophylaxis Planning: Public Points of Dispensing (PODs)
This ASPR TRACIE TA response includes resources related to drive-through PODs. Related Topic Collection: Mass Distribution and Dispensing of Medical Countermeasures.
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The authors describe the simulation modeling work completed for a mass vaccination drive-through clinic in 2009, where more than 19,000 patients were served (more than two-thirds via 10 drive-through lanes). Using this model can help public health emergency planners determine “the required number of Points of Dispense (POD) lanes, number and length of the lanes for consent hand outs and fill in, staff needed at the consent handout stations and PODs, and average user waiting time in the system.”
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The authors reviewed the literature on drive-through clinics (DTCs) as a novel type of point of dispensing and highlight the following themes that emerged: “1) optimal DTC design and planning via decision support systems and decision support tools; (2) clinic layouts, locations, and design aspects; (3) staffing, training, and DTC communication; (4) throughput time; (5) community outreach methods; (6) DTC equipment; (7) infection prevention and personal protective equipment; and (8) adverse events prevention and traffic management.”
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This webpage contains background on a state’s role in medical countermeasure (MCM) dispensing during public health emergencies, and guidance for those in charge of distribution, including requesting resources from the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response and the Strategic National Stockpile. Strategies and tools for distributing the supplies through local health departments through open points of dispensing (PODs) include an online screening form, a POD locator (when they are open), and links to related courses.
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This document describes many facets of setting up and coordinating a drive-through point of dispensing (POD). It includes sections on the drive-through POD concept of operations, site selection, traffic and safety, communications, equipment required, staffing, infection control, and signs for the site. Descriptions of roles and checklists throughout the document can be tailored and used by health care coalitions planning for drive-through PODs.
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This plan document covers Point of Dispensing (POD) operations, logistics, and staffing. It also reviews POD alternatives. It may be referenced and/or adapted by other jurisdictions and includes tables showing throughput vs. population / time, forms, and layouts. Though dated, components of the plan may be useful to other county planners developing related plans.
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This downloadable Point of Dispensing (POD) Field Operations Guide (FOG) was created for the state of Oregon but may be used as a model for other jurisdictions to develop detailed operational plans for both mass dispensing of prophylactic antibiotics (medical and non-medical models) and mass vaccination of a given population.
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The authors reviewed drills by local jurisdictions between 2012 and 2016 as they practiced dispensing of medical countermeasures. They aggregated point of dispensing (POD) setup data from around the U.S. to understand the time required to set up a POD. They conclude that there have been national improvements in POD preparedness, though some jurisdictions may benefit from technical assistance when setting up these dispensing sites.
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This fact sheet provides recommendations for responders working at points of dispensing (PODs) during an emergency or disaster. It is broken up into three sections: Assumptions; What to do; What to say.
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The author describes the pilot testing of a program designed to dispense medical countermeasures via a Costco warehouse in Virginia.
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Plans, Tools, and Templates
The Inventory Management Tracking System (IMATS) is used during a public health crisis to distribute large quantities of medical countermeasures. This page describes IMATS training, inventory data exchange, and user support for the IMATS program.
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The goal of the National Health Security Strategy (NHSS) is to strengthen and sustain communities’ abilities to prevent, protect against, mitigate the effects of, respond to, and recover from disasters and emergencies. This webpage includes links to the full text of the strategy, an overview, the NHSS Implementation Plan, the NHSS Evaluation of Progress, and an NHSS Archive.
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This website includes information on the capabilities for national public health preparedness planning at the state, local, tribal, and territorial levels developed with the input of subject matter experts and stakeholder organizations. This document describes the functions, tasks, performance measures, and resource elements required to achieve the Public Health Preparedness Capabilities. For information on the capabilities relevant to medical countermeasures, go to the “Explore the 2018 Preparedness and Response Capabilities” section and select Capability 8 and 9.
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This plan includes updates to the seven domains. Domain 3 is “Medical Countermeasures: Diagnostic Devices, Vaccines, Therapeutics, and Respiratory Devices” and includes seven objectives that can “improve effectiveness, timeliness, availability and accessibility to medical countermeasures.”
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This guide is designed for team leaders who will be delivering Just-in-Time training to personnel involved in mass prophylaxis/POD operations.
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This policy posted by Los Angeles County includes steps related to the release of local pharmaceutical caches in the event of a major incident.
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This plan for requesting and dispensing medical countermeasures contains detailed information on Frederick County’s MD authorities, state vs. local roles, and information about POD operation and distribution decision-making. While the information may be slightly outdated, contents may be helpful for other counties interested in creating similar plans.
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This document provides guidance for developing a medical countermeasure distribution and dispensing plan. It includes steps for planning, regulatory, electrical outage, and tracking considerations, among others. It also links to further POD distribution and dispensation resources.
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This webpage contains background on a state’s role in medical countermeasure (MCM) dispensing during public health emergencies, and guidance for those in charge of distribution, including requesting resources from the Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response and the Strategic National Stockpile. Strategies and tools for distributing the supplies through local health departments through open points of dispensing (PODs) include an online screening form, a POD locator (when they are open), and links to related courses.
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This plan document covers Point of Dispensing (POD) operations, logistics, and staffing. It also reviews POD alternatives. It may be referenced and/or adapted by other jurisdictions and includes tables showing throughput vs. population / time, forms, and layouts. Though dated, components of the plan may be useful to other county planners developing related plans.
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This webpage includes links to initiatives and helpful information related to medical countermeasures, the Strategic National Stockpile, chemical response, radiation preparedness, pandemic influenza preparedness, and antiviral distribution and dispensing.
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This plan includes operational considerations related to Points of Dispensing, and may be referenced and/or adapted by other jurisdictions in the development of their respective countermeasure dispensing plans.
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This plan outlines emergency countermeasure deployment for Noble County, Ohio. The plan is designed to scale from a small portion to all the county’s 14,645 residents. It incorporates dispensing sites, individual site plans, and staffing for dispensing points.
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This survey template can help health departments choose a site for medical countermeasure dispensing points. It contains questions on the suitability of candidate sites and building features.
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This plan outlines operational management of pharmaceutical supplies for Trumbull County, Ohio. In the event of a disaster or large-scale emergency, the plan is activated to supply lifesaving pharmaceuticals.
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This county document contains a response checklist, background on the authority needed to activate medical countermeasures dispensation, the scope and purpose of the plan, and county demographics, which can aid in planning and carrying out distribution. It also includes a concept of operations with information on requesting additional resources, dispensing, vaccinating, and demobilization. Appendices include information on dispensing modalities and point of distribution checklist. While the information may be slightly outdated, contents may be helpful for other counties interested in creating similar plans.
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Strategic Planning/Research and Development
This website contains links to the BARDA portfolio of biological, radiological, and nuclear medical countermeasures.
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This document summarized presentations and discussions that focused on the Strategic National Stockpile and: an overview of the plans to distribute medical countermeasures during a disaster or public health emergency; private industry practices geared towards distributing medical products and supplies (daily and during emergencies); gaps in current planning; opportunities for collaboration; and opportunities for economic sustainability as missions and countermeasures evolve.
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The authors used 2007 to 2014 state and local data collected from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Technical Assistance Review to evaluate and describe outcomes of state and local medical countermeasure preparedness planning. They found that overall preparedness increased during the time period studied, and note that ongoing training, exercising, and incorporation of lessons learned from real events and exercises are all critical to ensuring continued preparedness.
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This webpage provides links to the work the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) does to develop and field countermeasures under five categories: core services, CBRN programs, pandemic influenza, innovation, and stockpile building. Links to programs and helpful resources are also included.
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The FDA coordinates medical countermeasure development under this initiative, and links to various initiatives and resources are provided on this webpage.
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This webpage links to sample templates, checklists, and factsheets which can be customized for biological threats such as anthrax, botulism, hemorrhagic fever, pandemic influenza, smallpox, or tularemia.
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Threat-Specific Countermeasures
This webpage provides information on Tamiflu, a medical countermeasure for influenza. It includes a current list of expiration dates for Tamiflu stored in the Strategic National Stockpile and links to related resources.
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The authors highlight the progress in vaccines accelerated by COVID-19. They call for investment in variant-specific vaccines, different methods of vaccine administration, research into optimal vaccine strategies, and expedited COVID therapeutics.
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This report provides an update to CDC guidance for prevention and treatment of exposure to anthrax, based on systematic reviews of the literature. This report improves on past CDC recommendations by providing alternative antimicrobial drug recommendations when first line treatments are contraindicated. It also provides information on diagnosis and treatment of anthrax meningitis.
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This webpage explains how the smallpox vaccine can help prevent infection (prior to or within days of exposure) and lists three antiviral drugs that have been shown effective against smallpox: Tecovirimat, Cidofovir, and Brincidofovir.
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This document includes guidance for 10 specific agents and has one chapter on “other infectious diseases” and another on agents for which no treatment can be recommended (e.g., ricin and viral encephalitis).
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Food and Drug Administration. (2023).
This webpage contains information on Cyfendus, a two-dose anthrax vaccine approved by FDA in 2023 for use after suspected or confirmed exposure to anthrax.
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Health Resources and Services Administration. (2023).
Mpox FAQs.
This webpage provides information on HRSA’s distribution of the JYNNEOS vaccine for mpox prevention. It covers questions such as the Ryan White program’s coverage of JYNNEOS, ancillary supplies for the vaccine, eligibility to receive the mpox vaccine, and authorization to administer it. It also provides information for health care providers such as the Health Partner Order Portal and use of health center program funds for treating and preventing mpox.
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This website contains information on the Indian Health Service (IHS) response to mpox, including testing, contact tracing, and access to countermeasures such as vaccines and therapeutics. It links to more information on distribution of countermeasures and clinical guidance for IHS health care providers.
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The Institute of Medicine convened a committee to study the role of various prepositioning strategies in the overall medical countermeasures dispensing strategy. The committee found that while prepositioning strategies can save time, it also provides less flexibility (e.g., should an attack take place at a different location or uses a strain of anthrax that is resistant to the pre-positioned treatment).
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Workshop attendees were asked to develop consensus recommendations for post exposure treatment against melioidosis and glanders (caused by Burkholderia pseudomallei and B. mallei infections). Recommended prophylaxes includes trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole or co-amoxiclav. The authors also emphasized the need for standardized animal models and further research and training.
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This Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report includes information from a series of systematic literature reviews, nongovernmental workgroup guidelines, and U.S. Food and Drug Administration approvals on the treatment and prevention of plague.
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The authors discuss how to optimally use radioactivity screening equipment in triage to reduce the need for antidotes during a radiological emergency. They used data envelopment analysis to examine different combinations of medical countermeasure use, and cost effectiveness was articulated as cost per life year saved. The authors concluded that screening capacity is important to decrease the required number of antidote doses.
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The authors conducted a phase I study to understand whether atropine administered under the tongue could be a successful medical countermeasure against organophosphorus nerve agent and organophosphate pesticide toxicity. They found that sublingual atropine may be an effective countermeasure for this nerve agent.
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The authors outline the dearth of information on FDA-approved medical countermeasures for acute radiation syndrome (ARS). They review the status of medical countermeasures for ARS that are available and those which could be used in exceptional circumstances. They also highlight experimental countermeasures not yet approved by the FDA for use in humans and the need for additional research on radiation injury and its treatment.
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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Chemical Hazards Emergency Medical Management (CHEMM). (2021).
CHEMPACKs contain nerve agent antidotes and are stored in secure locations across the country. More than 90 percent of the U.S. population is within one hour of a CHEMPACK location; most locations are in hospitals or fire stations.
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Doxycycline monohydrate and doxycycline hyclate tablets and capsules (50 mg) and 100 mg of doxycycline are indicated (and stockpiled) for post-exposure prophylaxis or treatment of inhalational anthrax; this guidance document explains how stakeholders can extend the shelf life of these medications.
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This webpage includes links to information and guidance on products approved for use during bioterrorism emergencies, specifically for botulism, Ebola virus disease, plague, smallpox, tularemia, and Zika virus disease.
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U.S. Food and Drug Administration. (2023).
This webpage provides information on and links to resources specific to vaccines approved to prevent disease.
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This website contains information on FDA’s response to the mpox outbreak, from recent updates to the JYNNEOS vaccine, therapeutics, mpox and medical devices, misinformation, and links to additional federal resources for health providers, lab staff, or veterinarians. It also contains links to information for veterinarians and information on JYNNEOS mpox vaccine distribution.
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This webpage provides information on and links to resources specific to products approved to treat the effects of radiation exposure. These products are contained in the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS).
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Agencies and Organizations
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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response.
Medical Countermeasures.
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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response.
Project BioShield.
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